Chapter 73 - Heading Back (II)

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After deciding that he would just come back, Li Bai went into his storage ring in search of possible modes of fast transportation.

"Maybe I can use this... no, it would burn too much materials..."

"How about this? No, it would take too long to do."

"It's this then? No, this one isn't even fast!"

"Aha!" Li Bai found a teleportation array from his book collection. This one was his own creation. It was also the best one that ever existed.

He exited the ring while holding it, after which he started to set it up.

First, he removed all of the grass in tge area to make the process easier. Next, he started to draw peculiar figures here and there which complemented each other quite nicely.

Bringing out materials from his ring, he placed them on the ground in precise positions. The only thing he needed to do now was to make the same array from anywhere to teleport back here.

"There we go!"

Feeling satisfied, Li Bai started to run towards the general direction of Backwater City.

"If I'm in the Light Forest, then the Northern Mountains should be there...! And Backwater City should be here."


Meanwhile, Meng Shan's eyelids started moving. Her four limbs stretched as she moaned. She then sat upright and rubbed her eyes with her forefinger.

With messy hair and disheveled clothes, she opened her eyes all the way and looked outisde her window.

"Ah... it's afternoon."

She stood up from the bed and fixed her clothing and hair, and only then did she realize that something was different about her bed. It was infinitely more comfy than before.

Curiosity clouding her judgement, she jumped onto the bed. As soon as she made contact with it, the mattress quickly sunk down under her weight.

"It- it's so soft!"

Meng Shan couldn't help but moan to express her pleasure when she dove headfirst into this bed that she slept in.

Only after that did she recover her rationality.

"It's probably Master who gave me this bed. But when did I fall asleep?"

She tried to recall the events that led up to her lying on this comfortable bed.

"Oh, that's right! He tapped right here, then I passed out...," Meng Shan said as she imitated her master's movements and tapped the location where he tapped earlier.

"But where is he now? Did he leave? Do I not have enough talent?"

Meng Shan's thinking quickly turned pessimistic as Li Bai was nowhere to be found.

It made sense, seeing that she wasn't able to even activate a measly Energy Crystal. She then passed out after her master did a couple of taps.

"Thinking about it, I do look weak in the perspective of others... but I swear I'm not." Meng Shan felt disheartened at her abandonment, but there was nothing she could do. Who knew if her master was already across the other side of the continent by now?

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