Chapter 45 - Liu Clan's Overwhelming Numbers vs Li Clan's Overwhelming Strength

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An army composed of high ranking people from the Liu clan along with their followers and servants was charging towards the Li clan for an unknown reason. When this was seen by the clansmen of the Li clan, they all started to panic more! They were sure they had no chance of winning.

Fortunately for them, quite a few hidden gems have been polished since the Annual Li Clan Testing Ceremony revealed them. There was a higher percentage of Fifth Level Mark cultivators among the cultivators in the Li clan, but ultimately, this advantage was nothing against the Liu clan's enormous numbers.

Liu Gong was leading the army, rushing towards the Li clan at high inhumane speeds. Li Fu was in front to intervene. He was still confused as to why his old friend would suddenly turn hostile against him. Nevertheless, he needed to be prepared for any sort of attack, even if it came from his friend.

The news of the Liu clan's army reached Li Bai, and he suddenly snapped out of teaching both Li Bao and Jin He. This is a chance for some battle experience! His face showed not an expression of despair upon hearing the news from a servant, it was more of excitement.

The servant was puzzled as to why the trash Li Bai would be so excited about the Liu clan's attack. Maybe his viewpoint was a little twisted, not caring about the Li clan since he was bullied. Li Bai may be thinking that this was divine intervention and that the Li clan deserved it. That thought made the servant despise Li Bai even more.

Li Bai walked out of his room with both Jin He and Li Bao. Coincidentally, Li Da also happened to pass by when they exited the room. When he saw the sight of his trash cousin coming out from his room accompanied by the two most beautiful girls, he almost coughed up blood.

As a pervert, his thoughts immediately went to them just having finished. Li Da also saw that a servant looked at Li Bai with disgust, which further strengthened his distorted beliefs. He thought that the servant walked in on Li Bai and the two girls and was disgusted.

"Ahhh... trash cousin, how did you gain the favor of these two goddesses?!"

As Li Da was writhing on the ground in agony, Li Bai was planning in his head what to do, since the enemy had multiple Fifth Level Mark cultivators, they were a force not to be taken lightly. He was at the peak of Fifth Level Mark himself, so he should have no trouble fending for himself, and Jin He was at the peak of the Godly Mark Realm, so she should be able to take care of far more than him. His sister, however, was a mere Third Level Mark, and that was a huge problem since it made a huge hole in the defense.

Yes, almost all of the elders of the Li clan and Li Fu himself were at Fifth Level Mark, but the mere number of elders in the Liu clan could make up for that, not to mention their followers. In huge numbers, even Third Level Marks were nothing to scoff at, and this Liu clan had an enormous number.

This meant that the Li clan would be relying far more on their lower Level Mark cultivators than the Liu clan to make up for the difference in the number of people. What's more, these lower Level Mark cultivators would be facing off against the Fifth Level Mark cultivators of the Liu clan, and defeat was ensured. Luckily, they had Jin He who could take on the Liu clan cultivators that the Li clan cultivators should not be able to face.

Li Bai could fend for himself before the cultivators, but since his strength hasn't been revealed yet, he should be the biggest hole in the defense. Most of the cultivators would be aiming for him rather than other people because they're certain that they could beat him. This would be devastating for a normal Fifth Level Mark, the majority of an army aiming for them, but since Li Bai wasn't a normal Fifth Level Mark, he stayed composed.

He knew many techniques that could help him tremendously, he could even beat a First Heavenly Mark 1-gem cultivator! Of course, he won't reveal all of his trump cards for a measly quarrel between two clans in a backwater city. He won't hold back either since he formed some attachment to this place.

With this, Li Bai was ready as ever to take on the huge army of the Liu clan. If they were as smart as Li Bai predicted, then this fight would be over in a flash. However, if they were charging in with no tactics, that could prove to be a problem since the raw strength of the army was enough to level the Li clan!

What Li Bai was wondering about now was the reason why the Liu clan was attacking the Li clan, the clan they had the best relationship with due to the friendship between the clan heads. Li Bai couldn't think of any reason for the Liu clan to attack them, it was too confusing to think about. He reaffirmed himself that the reason was irrelevant if a major clan was to attack a minor clan indiscriminately.


Li Fu was ordering around several men hastily. He didn't know when the army would arrive. They could arrive any second now...

The defense formation of the cultivators inside the Li clan was hurriedly put together, so there were a lot of mistakes here and there. Li Fu couldn't be bothered to fix them, as he was a mess himself. Why would his best friend attack his clan so suddenly?

The sound of galloping horses could be heard. The citizens living near the Li clan's territory were leaving, not wanting to get caught up in the collateral damage.

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