Chapter 29 - Yu Fang's Fan Arrives

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The auction ended without a problem. Li Bai woke up and went to the Hou auction house to get the money. Li Bao went with him as usual. They departed from home at noon.

This time, not only the money was going to be given to him, but also the artifacts he had bought across all the three auctions on which his pill was sold in. But he only really bid on the first auction, so the next two auctions were irrelevant.

Yu Fang heard that the winner of the bids on the first auction was going to claim his winnings. Although she didn't know why he was just going to claim it now, she anticipated it nonetheless.

She waited for this mysterious fan of hers outside the Hou auction house, leaning on the wall with her arms crossed. The passers-by all saw her and were infatuated.

Yu Fang couldn't say she didn't expect this, she was actually warned that this might happen! And so with the appearance of the avid fan still not arriving, she was forced to go inside the auction house to not distract the passing commoners.

When the staring commoners saw that Yu Fang went inside, they were disappointed inside, but couldn't show this disappointment.

Li Bai and Li Bao, as usual, took a lot of detours before turning up at the site. The most notable detour was the restaurant, as they met the mercenary again. This time though, he was truly scared of Li Bao's existence and didn't try to hit on her anymore, and just ignored them.

Li Bao recognized them, however, and called out to the mercenaries, asking them to sit with her and her brother. As such, an awkward atmosphere within the restaurant was singlehandedly made by Li Bao's inability to read the surroundings.

The other patrons inside the restaurant were all constantly stabbing the mercenaries with sharp stares of jealousy. Li Bai sympathized with the mercenaries.

They arrived at the Hou auction house at dusk, mainly because of Li Bao's insatiable hunger. It was a mystery as to how she maintained this perfect figure without ever gaining weight with all this eating, even at home.

Yu Fang was waiting right beside the door inside. Every time the door opened, she would get excited, and end up dissatisfied. Li Bai and Li Bao's arrival was no exception.

When Li Bao opened the door, Yu Fang was already tired, but she was brimming with expectation yet again. She saw a small child and a teenage girl walk in.

Actually, Yu Fang didn't know what her fan looked like, so she waited in anticipation as to what the people that enter the auction house would do inside, seeing as there was no scheduled auction right after one just finished earlier.

Every time someone entered, Yu Fang's eyes would follow that person until they exited. If someone entered Hou Ju's office, it was the most likely candidate for her fan.

At first, she thought that if she were to hear the voice, she would recognize the fan instantly.

Most importantly, if that avid fan of hers saw her, they would go crazy! The one they admire the most, right in front of them? It wouldn't be unusual to freak out.

Thus, she assumed that it would be easy to determine who the fan could be. After a while, she thought about the case in which the fan was incredibly shy, and would not expose themselves in order to not make Yu Fang feel guilty for them.

So Yu Fang stayed on alert for about two hours and started paying attention to all of the people entering.

Li Bai and Li Bao were followed by Yu Fang's sight until they entered Hou Ju's office. Yu Fang was shocked! Until now, no one has ever come near the door to Hou Ju's office, much less enter it.

When someone walked near it, they would feel intimidated. Yu Fang was no exception. She would feel weirdly threatened when walking near her boss's office.

Since Yu Fang couldn't just absentmindedly walk in and ask, she waited patiently outside.

"Ah, I got better things to do..."

Yu Fang got impatient and began stomping her feet lightly in succession. The stomping got faster and heavier.

The sound of Yu Fang's stomping reverberated through the lobby. The lobby was huge, supported by white columns. One would think this was a museum if they saw the exterior of it.

Hou Ju's office's door finally opened. Yu Fang immediately got her focus back and stared directly at the two exiting people. What she saw was something that she, like other people, didn't expect.

Everyone would feel intimidated to even come near the auction master's office. But this trash... just walked out from the den. What?!

What's more, the trash was holding the Zodiac Pot in his hands! The news of the Zodiac Pot being sold for 20000 gold reached everyone's ears when it happened. They all wondered who would be as rich as that to buy something whose uses were unknown. Who would've thought that it would be the trash, Li Bai?

The ones who attended the auction also knew that the one who bought the Zodiac Pot also bought a ton of other items and artifacts, and boy did he! Li Bai's sister Li Bao came out with a wheelbarrow in tow, containing all of the artifacts they knew the mysterious bidder bought!

The mysterious bidder had a childish voice that seemed to be less than twelve years old. They were right, Li Bai just turned ten the past month. Some also thought they saw Li Bai when they looked for the voice owner, but brushed it off as just their imagination.

Yu Fang was the most shocked.

"My avid fan... was the trash Li Bai?"

This came as a shock to her, especially since she was planning to do all sorts of stuff ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) to the rich avid fan of hers to reward him. The trash Li Bai was just a child, she couldn't do that! It would be pedophilia!

As a woman of twenty-four years old, she wasn't allowed to partake in relationships where the other party was younger than 18, else she would get called a pedophile.

Such was the case this time, so her plans of doing this avid fan of hers failed. Even still, she felt she was indebted to him. Her fan was just a naive little child.

Yu Fang was never one to discriminate. Even if this small child was trash, he was still a child and so she felt her maternal instincts kick in. What's more, this so-called trash was actually this rich!

He, by himself, bought a mountain of artifacts from the first auction. This made one wonder, if the Li clan had that much money to spare for a trash like him, how rich were they really?

Li Bai was actually planning to restore his reputation by showing off the items that he bought, but it had another effect. Instead of increasing his individual reputation, it raised the public's opinion of the Li clan as a whole!

Clicking his tongue in disappointment, Li Bai proceeded to walk out of the auction house, leaving every witness dazed. Even Yu Fang was unable to take action, as she was still thinking of what she was supposed to do!

Li Bai surely saw her, right? Then the only reason he didn't react was because of his incredibly shy personality, probably forged by years of discrimination against him. Yu Fang felt pity for this little child yet again.

...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora