Chapter 46 - Arrival of the Army

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The Liu clan's army has arrived!

Everyone was in the position to defend the little territory that they had. Of course, because for some of these people, the Li clan was the only home they had. If this home of theirs was destroyed, they wouldn't have anywhere to go to.

Li Bai was spectating at the back, being restrained by some of the cultivators in the order of his father. Li Bao was in a similar situation, stuck in her room. Jin He, however, was made use of, putting her into the very front of the formation.

The dust was getting closer and closer, the originally dark shadows becoming easier to discern. Liu Gong was at the front, with furrowed eyebrows which made it seemed like he had a thousand-year grudge against the Li clan! What did Li Fu do to incur this man's wrath? No one in the Li clan knew, not even Li Fu himself! In fact, even the Liu clan didn't know!

The Liu clan had lost all sense of control when Li Fu arrived at the meeting, cutting off all ties with everyone. Speculations that they were going into seclusion emerged, but in truth, all of their actions were on a whim, the root being their unexplainable anger towards Li Fu.

Liu Gong never held any prior resentment to him, so how in the world did this situation escalate to a clan war? This confused everyone.

Nonetheless, no matter the reason, the situation now was that the Liu clan was charging in with no signs of stopping, devastating every building they came by. It looked like they weren't doing this intentionally, but rather the buildings were just in the way, but of what exactly?

The Liu clan finally went into the first line of defense, the archers. They went into the range of the archers from the Li clan, making it rain arrows onto them! There were at least a thousand arrows aimed at the large army. But even by this ridiculously huge amount of arrows, they were unfazed! Each arrow just fell to the ground after hitting one of the people, not piercing at all into their skin.

This was expected, as the archers were only at most Fourth Level Mark cultivators, while their opponents were at Fifth Level Mark. The material also had something to do with it, the arrows being made cheap to reduce the cost. This occurrence was rare after all, no one anticipated that this would happen.

The arrows were made of Black Flint, which was the cheapest material an arrow could be made of. The most expensive would be White Flame Flint, but those are extremely rare and therefore expensive. The Black Flint arrow's strength was based on the archer's cultivation level. It could pierce the skin of a cultivator whose level was lower than that of the archer. The archers were Fourth Level Mark, there was just no way the arrows they shot could penetrate.

The army continued to charge through the rain of arrows and the buildings almost as if like they didn't exist. The cultivators of the Liu clan, although not as strong as the Li clan, were many in number, so even if some did get affected by the arrows, the percentage would be irrelevant compared to the whole number of people in the army.

The army reached the second line of defense, which were the traps. These traps were laid carelessly and so many of them were duds that didn't affect anyone. The few that did work only managed to hold the people back temporarily, not reducing the number by a bit!

Most of the traps were made from Frailwood which was cheap but, as the name suggested, was very weak compared to the more expensive types of wood. The Frailwood couldn't even hold a Fourth Level Mark cultivator back, let alone Fifth Level Mark cultivators, as it would only be completely decimated by them.

Just like that, the Liu clan's army advanced further in the Li clan's territory with relative ease. Some of them had been taken down, with the majority of the fallen being either Second or Third Level Mark.

Fortunately for the Li clan, the majority of the people in the Liu clan's army were all in the Third Level Mark, or even lower. Only the Li clan had a higher percentage of Fifth Level Mark cultivators than the Liu clan.

The archers continued to shoot arrows upon the army, but even the Third Level Mark cultivators were now resistant against the arrows. This puzzled the Li clan's archers, as their arrows were supposed to have an effect on the cultivators whose level was lower than theirs, how were these ones able to endure them?

While this massive fight was taking place, Li Bai sneaked away from the place he was being restrained in, the guards being too focused on the battle. Things were not going well for the Li clan.

Li Bai had the ability to jump up from the ground up to the towers the archers were shooting from since he was at the Fifth Level Mark already, and he did just that. From this high place, he could observe the battle clearly while not being noticed with all the panic surrounding the archers.

He could see that the battle was clearly one-sided, that the Li clan had no chance of winning. Unless he or Jin He helped, this Li clan would perish this very day. Luckily for the Li clan, he and Jin He will help beat the puzzling attack of the Liu clan!

The archers repeatedly drew the bow with numerous arrows shooting at the Liu clan. One could generally tell what Level Mark a cultivator was if one was a cultivator themselves, so the archers shot the ones that had a lower cultivation level than them. What puzzled them the most was the fact that even the ones that had a lower level than them could repel their attacks!

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