However, still, I decided to try and make this marriage work. Even if he obviously hates me, I did my best. He may not love me back but it's okay as long as he forgives me. So every time, I would try to talk to him and send him messages even if I receive no response. He just said not to call him but he did not say that I cannot send text messages. As his wife, I also started to prepare the clothes he will be wearing for the day. At first, he didn't want to but he did not say anything in the end so I just kept doing it. I also fixed the clothes he'll be using after his shower in the evening. Even fixing his towels and all. Every day, I would even go to his office during his lunch break to change the flowers in it and give him some lemon water.

Yet, nothing new happened with my stay here. Gorio, still, completely ignores me, going to business trips from time to time. Sometimes, he'll be gone for a day or two or three. However, now, it's been a week since I last saw him. And he never even bothered to call me. I mean, I know he said that I was supposed to just ignore him as well and pretend that I don't exist. But that doesn't change the fact that I still care for him. So every time, I would worry about him. I sent him messages, nonstop. And I'd often call his assistant, Peter, just to check on him and make sure he's eating well and doing okay. For the past month, when he's in his office here in New York, I'd always bring him packed lunch and asked Peter never to tell him it was from me. So Peter said it was made by a simple business who delivers home-cooked foods. Every day, he would order my food then. I was happy, at least he likes my cooking. Fast forward, Peter said he'll be home today. It'll be a very tiring day for me. His penthouse is a lot to handle but I can do this. And so I started cleaning after I ate my breakfast.


"H-hi." I greeted excitedly as I ran to hug him. I got so carried away that I forgot about ignoring him. Then with raised brows, he entered the house.

He just looked at me for a moment and didn't greet me back. His things were already brought by Peter and some guys an hour early. So he was just holding his black attaché case.

"Have you eaten?" I ask hesitantly as I slowly walk towards him.

He just walked passed me and directly went to the staircase.

"I'll just reheat some food in the kitchen just in case you feel hungry later." I blurted out, loud enough for him to hear...

Of course he just ignored me and just slammed the door as he entered our room.


I sighed when he didn't even bother to taste the food I prepared for him. But, what's new? So I just shrugged my shoulders and threw the food. I fixed everything in the kitchen and went to our room. Gorio just took at least two hours' nap and went out. I didn't even know where he went. I checked the time and it was only 6 pm so I prepared myself and decided to eat outside and maybe walk around the park after.

I was looking at some clothes in a boutique inside the mall when I bumped into someone. I was about to fall and so I closed my eyes tightly when I felt a strong arm encircled my waist and stabilized me.

"Gail?" a husky voice called out.

"Huh?" I blurted out as I slowly opened my eyes and saw a very familiar face.

"Gail." he said and chuckled as he helped me stand straight. "It's you."

"Huh?" I uttered, completely out of my trance. Then he helped me stand straight.

"It's me." he said and his hands held on my shoulders. He leaned down a little do I can see his face. "You don't remember?"

Then it hit me. It's him. The guy who I thought was the one for me.


"You." I blurted out, surprised, and he just laughed.

"You seem to not like the fact that you recognized me." he said.

"Oh, it's not like that. I was just, ugh, surprised. That's all."

He smiled widely and hugged me. "I missed you, cupcake."

I stiffened since everything is happening so fast and my mind is still catching up. He released me after the quick hug and raffled my hair.

"How are you?"

I looked at him, stared at him intently and the way he looks at me is still the same. He has only looked at me like a little sister. I only misinterpreted everything before. He really never had feelings for me more than a sister.

"You okay?" he asked with raised brows.

"Yeah." I said and looked down. "You?"

"Good. I'm glad to see you." he said and smiled.

The smile that I have always liked before. Back in those crazy days when I was still a spoiled brat. Those days when I wanted him so badly because he's the only one who don't like me like I like him.

"Anyway, as much as I wanted to catch up with you, cupcake...I actually have an appointment with someone..." he said and pulled out a card and hand it to me. "Call me tomorrow, I would love to have a coffee with you. Just like the old times."

Then he winked at me and waved his hand before disappearing in the mall's side wing. I let out a sigh and look at the card.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to come out and drink coffee with a friend, right?

Then I placed his card on my purse and decided to go to the cafe where I can enjoy a simple pasta for dinner.


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