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I let out a shaky breath as those words seeped from his mouth and into the thick, foggy air. Negan brought his weapon up, then spun the bat around and placed it in front of Ricks eyes.

"This-" His eyes shifted from Ricks to his beloved bat then to Ricks. "This is Lucille, and she is awesome." I throat was as dry at the desert. My hand found its way to my shaky lips as I muffled a sob. Abraham's hand left mine and he rubbed a few reassuring circles on my back. Then held my small hand tightly again. "All this," He paused. "All this, is just so we can pick out which one of you gets the honour." He menacingly walked over to me and Abraham. He grinned down at me, seemingly catching his eye.
"Wow, you are...small. How the fuckity fuck did you survive." I snarled and was about to say something, Abraham squeezed my hand.
He squatted down to my level. "You're coming home with me. And I do not mean that in a fun way." He laughed devilishly then stood up walking to Abraham. Abraham strengthen his back and looked up to Negan, glaring daggers at him. "Huh." Negan seemed intrigued by Abraham's actions. He stroked his stubbles then pulled his hand away from his face. "Ugh, I gotta shave this shit." The sound of Negans big boots hitting the gravel with every step he took echoed through the night. He walked to Carl.

"You and that little twink over there," He pointed and waved to me mockingly. I am not a twink.  "Got our guns." He squatted down to him and held Lucille so the top of her was on the ground and helping keep him steady. "Oh, yeah. You got a lot of our guns." Carl said nothing but coldly stared at him. "Shit, kid, lighten up. At least cry a little." He chuckled then stuck the gun the bald guy had thrown on the ground into the waistband of the front of his pants and cleared his throat. He was about to walk to the end of the line but stopped as he caught a glimpse of the pregnant women beside me. "Jee-sus!" He dragged out. "You, look shitty." I could see Glenn's jaw clenched as Negan stepped in front of Maggie. "Should just put you right out of you're misery right now!" Negan tutted and winded up the bat.

"NO! NO!" Glenn cried and got up probably to clock Negan in the face But was tackled down by Dwight, kicked and pinned down. Dwight pointed Daryl's crossbow at him.

"YOU'RE GONNA HURT HIM!" I shouted through tears.

"STOP IT!" Maggie shrieked.

"God—" Glenn grunted as he was forced back up to his knees. Negan scratches his upper lip.

"Nope. Nope, get him back in line." Negan was ticked but didn't show it.

"No," Glenn weakly grunted and groaned in pain and Dwight roughly dragged him to his spot. "No." Glenn sobbed and yelled longing for his pregnant wife. I felt so...powerless and degraded and Negan hasn't even done anything yet. I wanted to scream. I wanted to help. I wanted to kill him right then, right there. But I couldn't. I would be putting all these people in danger if I even tried. "Don't..." Glenn cried out. "Don't."

Negan let out a chuckle. "Aight', listen. Don't any of you do that again. I will shut that shit down, no exceptions. First ones free, it's an emotional moment." The evil man turned to Glenn and pointed at him. "I get it." Glenn swallowed the lump in his throat shakily. Negan looked down at Rick. "Sucks, don't it? The moment you realize you don't know shit." Rick looked up to Negan for a split second then down at his feet. I watched as Negans prideful eyes shifted to Rick, to Carl, then to Rick, then Carl. He pointed Lucille to Rick then dragged her over to Carl. "This is you're kid, right?" His laugh went from low to high. "This is definitely you're kid.

"JUST STOP THIS!" Rick yelled.

"Hey!" Negans body snapped towards Rick. He held out a finger. "Do not make me kill the future little serial killer, don't make it easy on me. I gotta pick somebody. Everybody's waiting at the table for me to order." He grinned and began to whistle that god awful tune. I sobbed as I heard him walked over to me. His casted me a side smirk never breaking the song. As he got to the end of the line it stopped in raspy air being blown between his teeth as he still grinned with pride. "I simply cannot decide." He walked away from us and in the direction of the RV. He rubbed his forehead with a deep chuckle and pondered. Then spun to face us again. "I got an idea." He walked over to Rick and pointed the terrifying bat was to close to Ricks face.

"Eeny," Then moved on to the next person who was Sasha. "Meenie," Then Maggie. "Miney," The bat was then out in my face. It's smooth wood top and the outline of barb wire was all I could see. Everything behind it was so blurry. "Moe," Then Abraham "Catch," Then Michonne "A tiger," It's seemed to go on, and on, the song he sang echoed in our ears. Until...it ended.  "And you," he went from Sasha "Are," To Maggie. "So," To me, to-

"It." I stopped as everything went slow, and looked over to Abraham. Negan stood in front of him his bat by his side.  "Anybody moves, anybody says anything, cut the boys other eye out and feed it to his father and then we'll start" No. "You can breath, you can blink, you can cry." Both of Negans hands clutched the bat. "Hell,"

"You're all gonna be doing that."


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