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The seven of us jogged into the darkness of the forest. Carl and Aaron slashing the occasional Walker head in half. We slowed down a bit when we were away from the road and Biters.

"Guys... please." Maggie's cold sweated face turned to me. "Just let me walk."

"Relax. Just a few more miles and we're there." I attempted to calm her down. Silence was stowed upon us again until Carl broke that silence.

"I heard what you told her when we were leaving. We can do anything, 'cause we'll doing anything we need to do. We have and we will. What happened to Denise. I'm not gonna let anybody die like that again." Carl said to his father. It was an inspiring moment but also sad for me since I had no one to talk to like that anymore.

"Son.." Rick rumbled out.


Whistles. Menacing whistles filling my ears. The others looked around confused and alarmed. I felt adrenaline push its way into my veins as my head snapped towards every inch of the forest. Silhouettes of men creeped towards us from the bushes. The deafening whistles progressively got louder and louder.

"GO! GO!" Rick commanded. We all began to run forwards. The whistles still followed us like a predator stalked its prey. We ran into a closing and were immediately blinded by the lights of trucks. The whistles so deafening they could make you're ears bleed. I pointed my gun at the crazy amount of men surrounding us. They just whistled and stared. Their eyes never leaving us. My throat swelled as I saw our RV and Eugene in front of us on his knees. The whistles stopped but the terrifying stares did not.

"Good," A mans figure stepped out from the darkness and into the light. "You made it. Welcome to where you're going. We'll take you're weapons." He pointed a gun at Carl. "Now." He ordered.

"We can talk about-" Rick began.

"We're done talking. Time to listen." He cut Rick off. Simon signaled for some men to come and take our weapons and a bunch of men in black came up to us and ripped them from our own hands. The guy went up to me and took the gun from my hand. He noticed it was the Saviours mark on its wooden handle.

"That's yours, right?" He stared down at my small figure. I glared back up into his eyes. His brought his face down and closer to mine. "Yeah, it's yours." He then walked away but not before he went up to Carl and flicked his sheriff hat up. "Okay, lets get her down and get you all on you're knees. Lots to cover." Some men from the crowd that surrounded us cane up to put Maggie down.

"Hold up. We got it." Abraham growled.

"Sure, sure." The Saviour beckoned his men to go back. Sasha, Aaron, Rick, And Abraham gently set her down. Carl looked to me with fear. I put my hand on his shoulder gently reassuring him. But it's wasn't fine, none of this is going to be ok. It's not. Someone is going to die. Abraham and Rick carried her in front of the guy and placed her ever to gently on her knees. Eugene was roughly grabbed and put with us. The Saviour came up to the five of us left standing.

"Gonna need you on your knees." Ricks breath was heavy and delayed such as mine, I was between Maggie and Abraham. After Maggie is was Rick, Sasha, Aaron, Carl, then Eugene. Tears spilt from my eyes as I knew the shit that was about to take place. I noticed Maggie struggling to keep up so I put my arm around her and rubbed circles on her back. Abraham held my hand in reassurance. I looked to him and he gave me a reassuring smile. I calmed down. A bit but not a lot.

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