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One Week Later

Logan's friend's secretary called me on Tuesday and we agreed on a date for me to go to their company. And now is the day for me to go and impress him with my hidden talents. And I quote Jonny Depp, "I have so many hidden talents that even I can't find them." Which I find hilarious since that's how I feel like right now.

Walking out of the taxi in front of one of the many tall skyscrapers in the city. I head towards the entrance. Going inside I go to the front desk and give them my name.

"Alright take that elevator and push the top button. Then take a seat alongside the other people who are also applying for the job." The front desk lady tells me. She must have seen the shock on my face since she says.

"Did you honestly think you're the only one? Oh honey there has been already 150 and they all have been rejected. And these are the best of the best. So good luck."

Muttering a thanks I head to the elevator she pointed at and unconsciously push the button for the top floor. 'If 150 best of the best have been rejected. Than what about me? I have literally nothing worth impressing.' I start panicking. I try to calm myself before I make a fool of myself.

By the time the elevator doors open I'm almost to the point of being calm. Then my 95% calmness goes down to a -12% of calmness. Hell I've done stuff that are at least three times harder than this and I still didn't lose my cool. I must be losing my touch.

Heading to where the secretary desk is and the lady behind it. I tell her my name, and wait for her to find me in her computer. She pauses after she reads something on it, and from the look on her face it looks like it isn't going to be pretty.

"Just to make sure. You are Mia Martinez, daughter of Julie Martinez, and you were recommend by Logan Barsetti?" She asks me with a face that I couldn't quite tell. Jealousy maybe? I mean why would she be jealous of me? ME?!? She's like model material. Straight blonde hair, blue eyes, and curves every man likes to have in their bed. Not to mention she is wearing designer clothes that leave nothing to the imagination. And just saying. Her makeup is just.WOW. Some people can make that look, look like there dressing up as a clown for Halloween. But not her, she OWNS it! And I'm getting off topic and probably already taken too long to respond. Cue the awkwardness.

"Y-yes that's me." Man, why do I always stutter at the worst times?!?

"Well then you're next. Go ahead and sit down while you wait." She says kinda of harshly. I may have felt the wrong vibes but you know. You never know. 🤗

It hasn't even been a minute since I sat down and a girl, crying may I add, comes running out of one of the many doors in this floor. Well it looks like she got the job. Note the sarcasm.

"Miss. Martinez, you're up." The lady, who I haven't gotten the pleasure of knowing her name, says from where she is at without looking up. Well you could have at least told me where his office is in case if I didn't see from which door the girl came running out from.

But my whining is left in my head, since I don't want to lessen my chances of getting the job by making one of this guy's employees angry at me. Okay just go in and trying to act as if you have been preparing for this job your whole life

With unsteady legs I start walking to his office. Taking a deep breath, I open the door.

With his floor to ceiling windows letting sun in. I had to adjust since natural light is brighter than electric light. His office was designed to be dark and masculine. His waist length wooden desk sat close to the middle of the room, while there where many different sized cabinets squished together along the walls. At his desk there was this big, black, comfy looking chair. That is turned towards the window. Hiding the person, or thing, since you never know, from my view.

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