Mia's Flashback

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(pic above is where flashback takes place.)

Logan and I were at the park, a rose park to be specific, sitting on a bench by the only tree that literally had vines as it's leaves. We were both looking at the pouring fountain besides us. Enjoying the comfortable silence in between us and the smell of roses. Feeling the wind caress our face and dancing with the tress huge leaves. Making it look almost magical. I remember thinking that, hopefully just maybe, we could stay like this for ever. But oh how wrong was I.

"I'm leaving." Logan states out of nowhere. Honestly I already knew since this morning. Ever since Jylen came into our house with tears and snot running down her face, I knew something was up. But Jylen didn't want to tell me since she promised a certain "someone" she wouldn't tell me.

"Why?" I just had to ask. I had to ask why he was leaving me. Why he was doing this to me. Why he was breaking my heart.

"Something came up in Italy were the rest of my family is. And my father wants us to all go back as a family." He replies, his jaw ticking at the part were he mentions his father. But that is not what made me sad. What made me sad is the way he doesn't even try to look at me.

"Well would you at least look at me when you talk? I'm losing both of my best friends and all you have to say is that your dad wants you to move back because he wants to deal with the family problem as a whole?" I know I'm acting selfish but in all honestly I don't care. I can't and won't accept the fact that he is going to leave. Leave me.

"Well what do you expect me to do? He is after all my father and what he says goes." Finally looking at me he spoke with a voice that sent chills down my spine.

That's when I lose it. I start bawling my heart out and hang on to him. "Please don't go! Can't you see how hurt I am? Please try to convince him to let you guys stay! Please ju-just s-stay!" I hiccup out the last part since I was crying so hard by now.

"Please don't cry Mia. You are not the only one who is hurting. I am too. You think I won't miss you?" Logan asks as he holds me closer, while trying to dry my tears with his thumb. "I'm pretty sure I won't even be able to breathe without you by my side. But I have to do this, and I promise, whenever this mess is sorted out. I WILL come back for you Mia. I promise."
Hearing him say that calms me. Logan starts to shift to get something from behind him. Clearing his throat he starts talking again.

"I got you a gift. But first, I want you to grab two things from this park. It doesn't matter, as long as it's smaller then your fingernail it will do."

I look at him weirdly before I head off to get what he asked me to get. Thinking, I head over to one of the rose bushes in the park and pluck the prettiest, but smallest, petal I could find. Turning around I start looking for something else. I head back towards Logan, but instead of stopping by the bench. I hop over it to be able to get to the tree. Reaching out I take the bottom part of a leaf and tear one of its minature leaves from it.

Having found what he asked for, I head back towards Logan.

"You know, if I didn't know any better. I would have thought you already knew what I got you and you already had in mind what to get." Logan jokes

Hooking one of my legs over the bench, I sit down while playfully punching him.

"Okay I got what you needed
Are you going to tell my why you made me go on a scavenger hunt?" I ask.

Holding his hand out to show I had to be patient. He slides of the bench towards the ground. Where he carefully plucks a blade of grass off and gets back up onto the bench.

Stretching out his other hand to grab the stuff I collected. He completely ignores the look I give him. Like if he had all of the sudden grown two heads.

"Good thing I brought gorilla glue. Heck I don't need a professional to get these things to stay perfect forever." I hear Logan mutter under his breath. By now I honestly think he has gone crazy and if I should either run away from him or stay to figure out what this 'gift' is.

"Okay let me just open this up annnnnndddddd." Logan pauses and looks up at me. "Now all that is left is for us to put these things in the locket." Finally letting me see what he has been doing. Logan lifts up a necklace that has a see through locket hanging from the middle of it.

Gasping I exclaim, "LOGAN! IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!"

"Not as beautiful as you." He mumbles under his breath but Mr being me was to caught up on the necklace in his hand to notice.

Holding it up so I can have a closer look. I see that Logan has the locket open.

"Did you send me on a scavenger hunt to put things in the locket?" I ask.

"Yes." He replies but doesn't keep talking. He stays starring at me. The feeling of love that washes over me feels so wonderful. But knowing it will never happen, I force myself to ruin the moment.

"So are you going to tell me what are the meanings behind the stuff you collected?" Then remembering that I was the one who grabbed two of the three things in his hand I ask. "Or why I may have chosen that petal and leaf?"

"Never the one to be patient are we Mia?" Giving me a smirk he hands me the locket and continues. "Well the blade of grass, it means something. Like a reminder." Every time he finishes explaining the meaning of an object. He puts it inside the locket. "The petal, the way I want to look at it, resembles something. And last but not least. The tiny leaf is for memory." Digging something from his pocket. I see that it's the gorilla glue he was talking about a while back. He then pours it inside the locket. Mixing it with the things. When it's overflowing, he tells me to shut it. Ceiling the locket and the things inside it as tight as possible.

"Yea I get it why we put these things in there. I really do. But won't you explain it a little more?" I beg.

"Fine I will." Taking in a big breath and exaggerating to the max. He finally starts telling me.

"The leaf, represents today. Today, here were we are sitting. Sitting on this bench by the tree. The fountain in front of us and all the rose bushes surrounding us." While talking, he points at every part of the garden while describing it.

"The rose petal, it resembles you." He looks up at me. His eyes filled with a feeling that at the time I didn't understand.

"The roses never stop being themselves. You rip a petal or more and they still look as beautiful as ever. That's why you unconsciously took it."

"The blade of grass is because of you motto." Smiling, he starts starring out into the distance. "You always say that you strive to be like grass. It doesn't matter how many times it gets burnt, stomped on, dried, or anything else. It always grows back greener than before." Finally looking back at me, I see that he's smiling but his eyes tell a different story. A sadder one.

"And I don't want you to ever forget that. That's why I bought you this necklace. It's so you can always have a reminder when life gets you down." 'Like today.' I secretly finish for him.

"Mia, please promise me that you will wait for me. Wait for me to come back." Logan whispers while leaning down. Making our foreheads touch.

"I promise. I promise I will wait for you Logan." I whisper back to him.


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