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"Wow you are just so obvious." My sister tells me for the third time today, you would think me telling her I have work today would have kept her away from my office and more importantly me. Yet somehow she didn't get the hint. Ever since she barged inside my office with my secretary trailing behind her, and out of breath. Since then she hasn't stopped telling me how obvious I was being last night in front of Mia.

What I just don't get is how Mia hasn't noticed I'm head over heels in love with her.

"Jylen instead of annoying me cant you go to work?" I ask irritated. She comes in while I'm working and won't leave. I can't concentrate at all!

"Nah my secretary kicked me out. Saying I work to much." She tells me shrugging and checking her nails.

"She kicked you out? For working to much?" I ask confused.

"Okay A) Nobody can kick you out of anywhere because of your temper and all the other things that make you impossible to handle." She beams me a confident smile.

"B) You overwork? Heck I was starting to think you did nothing." Now she is glaring at me.
"And last but not least C) since when do you have a secretary?" Now that is the real question.

Not knowing how to respond she changes the subject.

"Well it doesn't matter since you're still absolutely obvious that you're in love with Mia." Then she keeps on blabbering about the things I do that make me obvious.

"Well I can't be that obvious since she hasn't noticed yet. Right?" I ask myself more than asking her. Work just flies out of my mind as I let my concerns come out. 'Well it looks like she won this round.'

"Here let me tell you something. And pay attention cause I'm only saying it once...." Before Jylen starts talking, she clears he throat."She. Is. FreaKING BLIND!" My sister's voice goes from a parent or teacher trying to teach a little kid something for the hundredth time to a shouting lunatic.

"You can tell that you're in love with her from freaking five miles away! Heck I think even Emily knows. And if Emily knows, then mum definitely knows too. Since you know she kinda watched over us from our young teenage years to now. With the exception of her missing the past 5 years." She ends with a shrug.

"Do you think she approves of me? What if she thinks I'm not good enough for Mia? What if-" I get cut off with Jylen covering my mouth with her hand.

"If she ever thought that then why would she allow you to keep calling her mum?" Well she does have a point.

"But what if she thinks I'm just like an adopted child? And she doesn't mean anything by letting me call her mom? Then that means she doesn't see me as a match for Mia." And now I'm back to over thinking.

"Hush! Trust me in this. She accepts you. Heck I wouldn't be surprised if she already accepted you before you even felt these.....'feelings'..... So stop over thinking and go with the roll."

Oh have I told you how my sister doesn't believe in love? Or how when ever she talks about love she shutters? And never EVER calls it love but instead 'feelings' because she thinks love is a feeling of desire or possessiveness over someone or something. No? Well I just did.

"You know, one of these days you are going to find someone who will make you rethink over that 'feeling' you hate so much." I preach to her. As the older brother it is my great duty to giver her advice. (Snort) yea right.

"Oh by the way, don't even think once that I haven't forgotten that you still owe me something." I glare at her. 'If you think you are leaving my office without telling me whatever you were going to tell me before seeing Mia again. Then you are sadly mistaken.'

"Hm? I owe you something?" Jylen ask oh so innocently.

"Don't give me that innocent act. You better tell me what it was or not I am not letting you plan my wedding with Mia." I threaten

"Like you have the balls to ask her to marry you." Jylen tells me.

"Well you will certainly never know since you don't want to tell me what you were going to tell me that day. And since that's the case if I actually do ask her to marry me. You don't get a say about the wedding. Nor get to be Mia's bridesmaid."

"Oh you did not just pull that card on me!" Jylen screams at me. 'Fuck I may have overstepped this time. Oh well to late to back out now.'

"For starters, you have no say over Mia's bridesmaids okay? Second, how dare you use that card on me! Third, even if you don't marry Mia, I will plan your wedding. I don't give a hoot who you are marrying, I am going to plan it. Well if the girl you marry I don't like and hate or what not. Uh no you are not going to see me anywhere near the wedding. " Jylen rambles on. Clearly she is trying to stall.

"JYLEN!" I glare at her. "TELL ME WHAT YOU WERE GOING TO TELL ME LAST THURSDAY." I said in my 'no bullshit' voice.

I saw Jylen gulp and turn whiter. If anyone, other than our grandmother, can scare her. Is me. I have no idea why. Even our father doesn't scare her as much as I do. Still, I have never laid a hand on her my whole life.

"I-I was going to tell you that my people found Mia and that they have been tracking her for a week. That was the reason why I took you to that café. In the week my people have tracked her, she has frequented that café. So I was hoping if we went there around the time she goes to it. We could probably see her there. And I was hoping to tell you first but well she beat me to it. She was early that day." Finishing Jylen takes in a huge breath of air. Not once did she stop to take a breath in and she wouldn't stop fidgeting. Looking at me she was trying to get an emotion out of me. But all she found was a stone cold face.

Getting up from my chair I head towards her. Not knowing what I was going to do she starts backing away. The closer I get the faster she tries to back away.

Getting tired of this I let out an irritated sigh and run to her. Catching her in my arms she lets out a scream of surprise.

"I'm sorry! I re-really wanted to tell you b-but I thought I could surprise you. I'm sorry." Seeing that Jylen was about to start crying, I tell her my thoughts.

"I'm not mad Jylen. And you don't need to apologize. Hell I just want to say thank you and give you a bear hug. If it weren't for you, I may have never seen Mia." While I was talking I could tell she was slowly relaxing. But then she had to ruin the mood.

"Well you know me. I am the best at everything and whatnot." Looking at her, I could see she had a smirk on.

"Well you ruined the moment and now I need to go back to work so get out." I let go of her and head back to my desk.

"Eh, it's boring in here and I have a date to go to anyways." Jylen starts heading to the door.

Looking down to the documents on my desk I call after her. "One of these days karma is going to come bite you in the ass for going on dates and fucking them when it's over. Then just leaving them the next morning making them feel like shit."

She pauses but none the less looks back "Yea and that's gonna happen when pigs fly and you see Satan ice skating in hell. No one will be able to move me like that. No man nor woman can. And if that ever so happens you have my blessing to say I told you so or to slap me."

Walking out she slams the door shut. Seeing that she said nor woman means her date is a female. I just can't help but feel sorry for anyone who goes out with my bi sister. She is just going to give them false hope and break their hearts.

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