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Bright. That's the first thing Sakura thought as she tried to open her eyes. She tried to move her body but she couldn't move it. She felt her body being lift up and a sudden cry left out her lips as she opened her mouth.

"Mrs. Midoriya, Here" A voice said as Sakura felt a hand stroking her head. "Sakura Midoriya and Izuku Midoriya, welcome to the world" A voice said, warming Sakura's heart as she heard it. Slightly opening her eyes, Sakura winced at how bright it is. "Oh, Look at her eyes, Hisashi! Green, she has my eyes!" The voice said as Sakura looked at where it came from, only to see green. Sakura couldn't make anything out because of how blurry her eyesight is. It was like looking at blobs.

Blinking her eyes, Sakura let her eyes wander. "She's beautiful and look at that little violet diamond on her forehead" Another voice -a male voice- said as Sakura felt a hand caressing her face and poking her forehead. "Izuku's beautiful too, both of them. Look at that freckles, how cute" The voice said, happily as Sakura felt a drop of water in her head. 'Tears?'

'What the fuck is happening? ' She thought as she heard a loud cry. A cry coming out from her left. 'why can't I move? Good Pein. ' Sakura thought as she realized how small her body and hand feels.

Sakura closed her eyes as she gave up trying to move. Sleeping peacefully as she felt every burden on her shoulders goes away.


"Sakura-chan!" a voice yelled out loud as Sakura felt herself getting hug by someone. "Na-Naruto!" she said, eyes tiredly snapping at Naruto's face as he smiled at her.

"Sakura-chan, how have you been? Dattebayo! "

"Dickless, stop hugging ugly like that"

"Naruto-kun, You should let go. Sakura-chan look tired"

"But I haven't seen Sakura-chan for a long time!"

Looking at them, Sakura let the side of her lips curved up. Chuckling at everything around her.

"Oh! Sakura-chan smiled! She laughed DATTEBAYO!"

"I was chuckling Naruto. Chuckling."

"Still the same, though!"

Sakura wished it was like this everysingle day, without missions. Just peaceful but it can't, team 7 has fallen. With Sasuke out of the village, doing everything as an exchange for what he has done to Konoha, Kakashi-sensei as the hokage, Naruto training as one, Sai and Yamato as Anbus, doing missions from here to there. Sakura as a medic, healing ninjas and civilians from here and there.

After the war, Sakura has come to a conclusion, she was weak. She knew that. She only had one job, to heal but why did Neji die? It's because she's useless. So she trained and trained but it still wasn't enough, she's tired. Tired of everything, that's why she took the mission. She was a coward and she knows that. No need to tell her.

Flashback ends

On the 15th of July, two twins were born, the older was a girl with a puff of pink hair and green eyes. The younger was a boy born with a puff of green hair and green eyes. Both of them would be great in the future, they would experience hardship, betrayal and other things.

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