"Lily? Ooohh. Someone's got a crushhh!" I joked.

"Maybe I do. Maybe I don't. The world may never know." Alex said.

"He does. Don't let him fool you." Austin whispered. I giggled.

"Hey, I heard that." Alex laughed.

I felt my phone buzz like a million times.

"What the?" I had about 50 notifications from Instagram. And the last one was @AustinMahone tagged you in a picture!

"Austin. What did you do?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just look."

It was the picture of me and him at the airport. And the caption was: Meet my girl, @KendallNicolee

There was tons of comments like, How cute! or I ship it!! But some weren't the really nicest: What a whore. Pick someone else, not that ugly bitch. or Ew fucking rat get off my boyfriend.

"You're fans are really nice." I showed Austin the rat comment.

"Oh, I guess you're a rat now." Austin joked. I playfully hit him on the arm.

There was one comment that stood out though: It was nice hanging out with you today ;) Dm me babe. I tapped on her page. And right there there was a picture of her and Austin. What the hell? That's at the Airport. Did he hang out with another girl before I came home? I look over at Austin to see what he was doing.

"Whatcha Doing?" I asked him.

"Replying to comments and stuff." He laughed.

Whatever. Hopefully he isn't talking to her. I don't want to assume things because I trust Austin. But I don't trust this Taylor girl. I got my mind off of it and turned on the Tv. I flipped through the channels, couldn't find anything so I just gave the remote to Alex.

"Is Anchorman fine?" Alex asked.

"Yeah." Me and Austin said.

~2 Hours Later~

"That movie cracks me up every single time I watch it." Austin said as the credits were rolling.

"I know. Me too. What time is it?" Alex asked.

"Ehh, About 12:30?" I said.

"We should probably go home. Mom is probably worrying about us." Alex said.

"You're staying at Alex's house?" I turned to Austin.

"Yeah. Its a game changer." Austin laughed. Alex is always at Austin's its surprising that Austin is staying there.

"Okay then. Come here." I gave Alex a hug and then he walked out of the room to give me and Austin some privacy.

I just looked at Austin and he walked over to me. He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head.

"I love you, Kendall." He said.

"I love you too, Austin." I replied. I looked up and stared into his beautiful brown eyes. And he was doing the same.

"Why are you so beautiful?" Austin asked.

"I don't know. Ask my mom" I joked.

Right then he pulled me in even more and smashed his lips onto mine. This kiss was just right. We kissed in sync and it quickly turned into making out. He pushed me onto the wall and pulled his hand up my shirt, tracing my bra-line clearly trying to tease me.

"I know what you are trying to do." I whispered into his ear.

"It's working, isn't?"

"Yeah." I breathed out.

He pulled me over to the bed, never leaving my lips. I sat on his lap as he pulled off my shirt. We made out more, Austin still teasing me.

Then we heard a knock om my door.

"Austin. Come on, say goodbye. Let's go." Alex said.

We stopped and I pulled on my shirt.

"To be continued?" Austin asked.

"To be continued."

~ I wanted this story to be all innocent but now i really don't want it to be. Tell me if you like that or if you want more heated stuff? I don't care. lol I want to save more "smut" or whatever you want to call it for my other story coming up when NTIFY is done. You'll just have to wait and see ;) And jack gilinsky followed me on my personal twitter and he is my other bae next to Austin!! I freaked out lol i love him so much. okay! see you wednesday :) xoxo ~

Twitter: @thatameezykid :)

Now That I Found You- Austin Mahone FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now