Chapter 16: Cristina

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Getting up in the morning was hard. I barely got any sleep and my head hurt from all the thinking I did last night. Not that any I was any closer to figuring out what to do about the whole Grayson thing or my possible biological father thing. I decided to at least talk to Grayson today and let him know I overheard him and Victoria and if he really wants me gone then I'll figure it out from there.
The door opened and Silas walked back into the room.
"Here I got you some Tylenol, a bagel, and some orange juice for breakfast"
"Thank you, my head is killing me right now" I tell him trying to smile.
"Yeah I could tell" he says chuckling.
I take the Tylenol and sip on the orange juice, while Silas is packing up all the things in the bathroom I left in there last night.
"I can pack that up in a couple of minutes if you want" I tell him, feeling bad he has to clean up after me.
"It's fine, I'm already done, we need to start heading out now" he says coming out of the bathroom with a bag in his hand.
I hurriedly finish drinking my orange juice and follow him out the door. We head down to the reception area to turn in our keys. I feel terrible for having Silas pay for three nights here when we only spent one. We get into the car silently and neither one of us says anything for a good five minutes.
"Look Cristina, about last night when you said that I didn't want you as a mate" he starts and I open my mouth to tell him he doesn't need to explain but he stops me.
"No, just listen to me. I do want you as a mate, it's just I don't know what to do because you're also mates with Grayson. I'm not sure how he's going to react and I'm scared he's going to kick me out of the pack and force me away from you. It's extremely rare for someone to have two mates and I'm not sure how it's going to work. Grayson is the alpha. I'm also scared you might want to reject me and live happily ever after with my brother" he says looking sad.
"Silas, I don't know how this is going to work either. I'm not even sure how this whole mate thing works let alone how it works with having two mates. I don't even think Grayson wants me as his mate" I tell him.
If what I heard Grayson say is true then we don't really have to worry about me having two mates.
"There has to be a misunderstanding with what you heard Victoria and Grayson talking about. If he didn't want you, he wouldn't have been treating you like you were the most special person in the world"
"Maybe, I don't know" I say and look out the window.
About fifteen minutes later we are pulling up the driveway to the house. When we stop, I don't get out of the car immediately. What if I'm not wrong about what I heard Grayson say? What if he doesn't want me? Would Silas still want me then or would he side with his brother? As I'm sitting here pondering what if's, the front door is thrown open and Grayson comes storming up to the car yanking the truck door open and pulling me out. He wraps his arms around me in a hug and puts his face into the crook of my neck.
"I missed you so much. I'm sorry for whatever I did I promise I'll never do it again, just please don't ever leave me like that again" he says squeezing me.
The smell is the first thing that hits me. He smells like my mom does after one of her benders. Pulling back I can see bags under his eyes like he hasn't slept in days.
"Are you okay?" I ask, he honestly looks like he might pass out any minute.
"I'm fine now that you're back sweetheart" he slurs. Yeah he is definitely drunk.
"Let's go inside, I think we need to have a talk" I tell him taking his hand and walking up to the house.
Looking behind me I see Silas is trailing behind us, a frown marring his face. Grayson stumbles a couple times on the way inside but we make it without him falling over.
Maybe you should go upstairs a lie down for a bit, take a nap. You look like you're about to drop." I say to Grayson once we get inside.
"Only if you'll come sleep with me" he says grinning like the cat that ate the canary.
"I'll help you get upstairs and situated how about that?Silas can you help me" I ask trying to keep Grayson up right. Silas grunts but comes to the other side of his brother and put Grayson's arm around his neck.
"Silas, always being the fucking hero to my mate. You need to go get your own mate, you can't have mine"  Grayson sneers still slurring. Silas gives me a pained look behind his brothers back and I smile sympathetically back.
Once we get him upstairs and into his bed, Silas leaves. I cover Grayson with the blanket and turn to leave but Grayson grasps my wrist, so quick I didn't see him move.
Stay with me please? I missed you so much. It killed me knowing you were with another man, even though it was my brother." He says tugging me down to the bed.
"Okay, I'll stay for a bit." I tell him running my fingers through his hair.
He makes a sound that almost sounds like a purr, then snuggles in close to me. I feel even more confused then I did earlier. He can act so sweet and like I am the only girl in the world but then he tells his sister he wants me gone. Maybe he just acts this way when I'm around because he feels the mate thing. I don't know.
It doesn't take Grayson long to fall asleep and I manage to pry myself out of his grasp and make my way back down stairs. Silas is the only one in the kitchen when I enter.
"You okay?" he ask while eating a sandwich.
"I'm actually getting tired of everyone asking me that." I tell him.
It's strange to me to have people really care if I'm alright. I went years without anyone giving a fuck about me, to multiple people caring.
"We just work about you. I worry about you. You've been through so much your whole life and now you have all this extra shit to deal with."
"I think we should tell Grayson that you're my mate also." I say.
"I want to talk to my mom or dad first before we do. I want to figure out how this could possibly work or why you would have two mate to begin with."
"Okay, but we should tell him soon. This isn't really fair for you."
"We'll talk to my parents before Grayson wakes up tonight." He says sticking his plate into the sink.
Victoria walks into the kitchen and takes a seat at the bar.
"Can I talk to Cristina alone for a bit, please." say she's looking over to Silas at the sink.
"Yeah, I'm going to take a shower anyway." he says before walking out of the kitchen.
I really don't want to talk to Victoria right now. What she said last night really hurt my feelings. Not only that but she was talking to Grayson about ways to get rid of me. I thought she was my friend.
"I really don't feel like talking right now Victoria." I tell her sighing.
"You don't have to say anything, just listen please." she says looking sorrowful. I don't say anything, but I nod my head.
"I'm so sorry about the way I acted last night, Cristina. I was way out of line, I know that, but you have to understand. I've never seen Grayson lose it the way he did last night.  Even the first time you took off and we didn't know where you were. Then he was out searching for you calling around to see if anyone had seen you. But this time he knew you were with Silas. He felt like you choose Silas over him and it broke him. I know you and Silas are mates too, but Grayson doesn't and I didn't tell him. I promised you I wouldn't. I just... I'm sorry for the way I acted" she takes a deep breath and looks down at her hands.
"I accept your apology for last night." I don't say anything about what I over heard because I want to have Grayson here when we talk about it.
"Thank you I knew you'd understand" she says throwing her arms around me in a tight hug.
I'm still hurt by what she said but I do understand where she's coming from and right now she doesn't know why I called Silas to come get me.

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