Chapter 19: Cristina

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The back of the house is completely destroyed. Wood and debris is everywhere and there is a hole where there used to be a window. Stepping carefully to avoid tripping and make my way outside. People are scattered all over the place. I run around looking for Silas. When I spot him my heart falls into my stomach and my vision blurs with tears.
Rushing over to him I drop to my knees on the opposite side from the doctor and Victoria. Tears are freely flowing down my face now and I can't help releasing a sob. A piece of wood about a foot or two long is protruding from Silas stomach.
"Hey." Silas rasps.
"No talking." The doctor says, making me cry harder.
"Oh god!" is all I can manage to say.
Silas has cuts and scrapes all over him. He's bleeding everywhere but the worst part is the piece of wood. The doctor is cleaning up his other wounds right now.
"We can't take the wood out until we get him into surgery. He'll bleed out before we make it there." The doctor explains.
"I'll be alright, You can't get rid of me that easy." he whispers that last part before his eyes start to close.
Grayson grabs me from behind and pulls me away from Silas a couple other men take my place, picking Silas up and carrying him off towards the front of the house. I try to follow but Grayson won't loosen his grip.
"They're taking him to the infirmary, we'll follow but I have to find my parents first." Grayson says, taking my hand and pulling me towards the house.
I hadn't seen either one of his parents almost all night. Squeezing Grayson's hand I follow him through the house. We find his parents on the side of the house. His mom is helping take care of the injured. They're okay but his dads arm is in a sling.
"Thank god you're all okay. Where's Silas?" His dad asks rushing over to us.
"Silas was injured, they're taking him to the infirmary. We need to head that way now." Grayson explains.
"Silas was hurt? How bad?" His mother ask clutching her husbands arm.
"It's pretty bad. Logan will take care of everything here. We need to go." Grayson says solemnly.
We all rush to Grayson's SUV.  Grayson's parent insisted that I sit up front and I don't have it in me to argue. I just want to get to the infirmary and see how Silas is doing. Luckily most people cleared out, so we're not blocked into the driveway. Grayson holds my hand for most of the drive there and as soon as we get out he claps my hand in his again.
The drive was only maybe five minutes but it truly felt like a life time. Once we're inside they inform us that Silas was in surgery and they'd come let us know as soon as he's out. Right now we just wait. I wonder how long surgery will take?
Grayson takes a seat in one of the waiting room chairs and pulls me down onto his lap. His mother has her arms wrapped around Victoria who is crying. His father is pacing back and forth. Everyone is quite.
I'm just sitting stiffly on Grayson's lap. Right now I feel nothing, this all feels like a bad dream. It can't be real. I had to have fallen asleep sometime during the party and none of this really happened. But deep down I know it did.
It all seems to hit me at once and it feels like I'm breaking inside. It's suddenly extremely hard to breathe and my vision starts to fade. I'm breathing heavily and my body buckles. If Grayson wasn't holding me up I would have fallen to the floor.
"Shh...Everything will be alright." Grayson whispers in my ear and for some reason this makes me angry.
Right now everything is not alright. Silas might be dying and there's nothing I can do about it. Is this all my fault? I must say that last part out loud because Grayson's dad answers me.
"No, this isn't your fault Cristina. You didn't ask for us to be attacked. Your as much of a victim as the rest of us."
This doesn't stop the tears, but I know he's right. I didn't ask for any of this. If I could have prevented it, I would have in a heart beat. Grayson's arms tighten around me and I clutch his arm.
The door leading into the infirmary opens causing all of us to look up. Luke walks in and stops at the sight of us. What in the hell is he even doing here? Then a thought runs through my head.
"Did you have anything to do with any of this?" I ask getting angry all over again.
"What? No, Why would I want to hurt any of you?" he asks looking hurt.
I honestly have no idea why he would want to hurt us, but I don't know him and he showed up after everything thing happened. Right now I'm not exactly sure who I can trust other than Maverick and the people in this room excluding him.
"I don't know, so why did you show up to the house after everything?" I ask.
"I was still in town, when I heard a group of witches were going to attack the Hale pack house. I know you've been staying there so I rushed to get there to make sure you were safe. Luckily, Maverick was already there."
"Wait, Maverick serves you?" Grayson asks.
"Technically he serves Cristina, but yes, we're the ones who bound him to her." Luke explains.
"Wait what? What does that mean he's bound to me? I already have two mates I don't need another one."
As if I don't have enough problems with the two I have, lets add another into the mix. That sounds like fun. I don't think I have the mental capacity to deal with this.
"He's not a mate to you, he's bound to serve and protect you. He'll give his life for yours without question. Once a gargoyle hits a certain age their gargoyle form appears. If they aren't bound to a person or a cause they will spend their nights as a human and their days frozen in gargoyle form. They have to serve for a minimum of 50 years to break their curse. If they aren't bound their human side can never freely change into their gargoyle form which makes them vulnerable."
"So they're basically slaves? That's ridiculous, this is the 21st century. How do I unbind him from me."
"There is a ritual for the binding and unbinding of a gargoyle but if you do it, the curse resumes. He will be frozen during the day and human at night, until he finds another person to be bound to."
I can't handle any of this right now. I'll have to add it to my things to learn about later. Right now I just want to know how Silas is doing. God how long is it gonna take til the doctor comes to let us know how he is?
Victoria's stopped crying now but her eyes are puffy and red. Ethan and Melissa and whispering at the other end of the room. Grayson got a text message on his phone that he's replying to.
"Logan said that everyone's cleared out of the house now. They cleaned up most of the mess and covered the hole with some wood sheeting until we can get it repaired." Grayson says to everyone.
"Good, we'll have to call someone out tomorrow to get the estimate on how much it's going to cost to repair and how long it'll take." Ethan says coming over to us.
"I know, the sooner it's done the better." Grayson says.
I must fall asleep curled up in Grayson's because the next thing I know Grayson is shaking me awake.
"I'm gonna grab something to drink do you want something?" He asks.
I shake my head and stand up stretching. By the time Grayson comes back the doctor is coming out to talk to us.
"The surgery went as well as can be expected. He's sleeping now but you can go and see him." the doctor says.
I'm so happy everything went okay. Grayson wraps his arms around me me and we follow the doctor to where Silas is. Silas seems to be sleeping peacefully
After visiting a few minutes Grayson takes my hand and leads me back out to the parking lot. Grayson's parents decided to stay with Silas for the night. I wanted to stay but Grayson promised we could come back and see him in the morning. Victoria is coming home with us. She's been pretty much silent since we got to the infirmary and she stays that way the entire ride back.
Arriving back at the house feel surreal. It seems like it was days since I was here last but it was only a few hours ago. Walking inside I take a look around. Everything has been pretty much cleaned up. I wander to the back of the house and see the boarded up hole. Looking through one of the windows, what happened early replays through my head.
"Hey, why don't we get some sleep. It's late and when we wake up we'll head back to the infirmary." Grayson says placing a hand on my shoulder.
I just nod my head. I'm to exhausted to do anything else. I follow him up stairs and into his room. Flopping down face first onto the mattress. My head is killing me right now.
"Do you want to take a shower or anything?" He asks
"I'm to tired to shower right now"
He nods and walks into the closet. When he emerges he's dressed for bed and holding my new pajamas I got. Taking them from him I strip out of my shirt and jeans not caring that he's standing in the room still. He doesn't comment. Once I'm dressed I pull the blankets back and get into bed.
"I'll be across the hall if you need me." He says heading for the door.
"Wait." I'm unsure of what I'm saying next.
"Will you stay with me tonight? I don't want to be alone right now, please."
"If thats what you want." He says and walks over to the bed.
I scoot over to give him some room and he gets in. He turns off the bed side lamp and rolls onto his back. I've never fallen asleep with a boy in my bed before, so I'm a bit uncomfortable. I peer at him through the dark. He turns to his side facing me, reaches his arm out and pulling me to him. I didn't realize how cold I was until I feel his body heat against my skin.
"I'm so glad you did get hurt tonight." He says. I relax a bit a put my head on his chest.
"I'm glad you weren't hurt either." I say, my eyes starting to drupe.

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