My father hates it, as he insists that she shouldn't feel ashamed of her past. I can't help but agree, although it's not my place to say anything. After all, I refuse to take off my shirt and go swimming today.

I went well over my calorie limit yesterday and I was unable to purge it all out, so to say I feel disgusted with myself would be an understatement.

I reach down towards my bag to pull my sketchbook out, although I stop when I feel someone flick the back of my head.

I clench my jaw and pull out my earbud, looking behind me to see a soaking wet Angel, itty bitty Lucy holding his hand.

"There you are," my dad announces before I can speak. "We were gonna ask what you wanted to eat."

I give my little sister a goofy smile before putting my earbuds back in, once again reaching down to grab my sketchbook. If I'm going to spend my Sunday afternoon stuck in a waterpark, I might as well do something productive.

Mrs. Weber, the art teacher, recommended me for this huge art contest, and I've got to start planning in order to get my entry finished in time. If I get selected as a finalist for this art gallery, I could have a huge shot at some top-notch art schools.

I'm about to start drawing when someone viciously yanks out my right earbud.


I inhale sharply and look up at a smiling Angel, my grip around my pencil tightening.

"I swear to god, you're deaf."

"I'm not deaf. I was just drowning you out with my music at a very high volume."

"That's bad for your ears."

I look straight up at my brother with a stoic expression, still unsure of how the hell we're actually twins. The physical similarities are there, but as far as behavior goes, we couldn't be more different if we tried.

"I don't give a fuck."

Lucy's blue eyes grow wide as she stands next to Angel, her wet blonde hair hanging from her head like overcooked spaghetti noodles.

"Bad word!"

My mother gives me a scolding glare.

"Language, Alex."

"Yeah. Sorry."

"Anyways," Angel sighs, bringing my attention back up to him. "I need to talk to you."

"Oh no. What ever did I do this time?"

He stares blankly down at me, not impressed by my sarcasm.

"Chill. It's not bad."


I throw my sketchbook down on the cracked, plastic table of the waterpark, standing up next to my brother as Lucy heads over to our parents. He nods his head for me to follow him, and I do, groaning internally the entire time.

This better be important, or else he gets a nice sucker-punch and a shove into the kiddy pool.

Angel leads me away from our table and past the children's area, to a small pool with only a few people in it. It's calmer in this corner of the waterpark, although the noise is still just as loud.

Seriously, whoever thought indoor waterparks were a good idea must have been crazy. The sound echos off of the walls and the sickening smell of chlorine is trapped inside, making every bad thing about waterparks condensed into one fucking room. A terrible idea, if you ask me.

Angel sits down on the edge of the pool, dipping his feet in the water. I slip off my sandals and do the same, the cool water rushing around my shins.

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