The Exchange {part 2}

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A/N: One of my friends who read's the book wanted me to publish a part two.😁 So hear it is!

Enjoy ❤️

"Just calm down, you're going to be fine." Amber said pulling a brush through my hair.

Today was my date with Harry and saying I was stressed was an understatement. I could die from stress and fear.

"Do I look okay." I asked with a worried tone. Standing up and walking towards the full length mirror. What am I worrying about it's just a date... a first date, great there's the butterflies and nausea again.

"You look amazing." Amber replied walking towards me. "You're going on a casual date, not getting married."

"What!" I almost yelled, my nerves where getting the better of me."Don't joke like that."

I sat down on my bed, grabbing my bag and making sure I had everything I needed for the third time that hour. Looking up at Amber I slouched a bit. "He wouldn't tell me where his taking me. It's killing me inside not knowing."

"I'm sure you're going to go somewhere fun and exciting." Amber said sitting down next to me. "Harry isn't really one for romance."

"I don't know if I should be relived or worried about that." I wondered out loud standing up and pacing the room. At that moment the doorbell rang and my hart stop for a few seconds.

"Well, I don't think you have time ponder on that matter." Amber said standing up and walking out of the door. "Are you coming?"

"Yeah, I'm on my way. " I half yelled grabbing my bag and following her down the stairs. I just got to take deep breaths and calm down. It's just a date with a boy that I really like.

"Calm down, it's going to be fine." Amber whispered into my ear before leaving me to open the door. Opening a door before has not so difficult, why now?

"Hey." Harry said smiling up at me when the door was finally open. That smile. "You ready to go."

"Yeah." That's all I could muster to say. Closing the door behind me I fell into step beside him.

"I have got something amazing planned for today. " He said looking down at me with that amazing smile of his.

"What do you have planned?" I questioned smiling back up at him. It feels like there's a tornado of butterflies in my stomach.

"I'm not telling you." He answered looking back in front of him. "It's a surprise. I thought we could take an Uber." He said approaching a black car with a man in the driver's seat. Opening the back seat door he gestured for me to climb in. "Ladies first."

"Thank you." I replied climbing in. Closing my door he jogged around the car and climbed in next to me. Just keep on breathing, I thought to myself as Harry told the driver where to go.

"You ready to have an awesome, fantastic day? " Harry asked with a smile turning towards me.

"Yes, yes I am." I replied smiling back at him. Leaning forward a little bit I asked. "So, where are we going first?"

"Nice try but, that's a secret." He answered with a short chuckle rubbing his hands together. "But I know you will love it."

"You seem very sure of yourself." I replied with a laugh leaning back in my seat as we entered the city. "How do you know I'll like it?"

"Trust me you won't just like it, you will love it." He said smirking, leaning his arm on the armrest and looking out of the window. " I think we're here."

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