Sunrise in Venice

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A/N: Harry is at the moment in venice. I don't know the name of his friends in Venice so I will be making names up. Sorry if it is your name.

"Early start my ass, it's still dark out." I moaned hugging my jacket closer to my body in the hope of some more warmth.

"But look at this view, isn't it beautiful?" Harry asked warping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

"If I wasn't traveling at who knows what speed and didn't have cold wind almost blowing me of this damn boat then, yes it is an amazing view." I retorted leaning into his touch.

"Just wait a couple of minutes and then we'll be of this boat."He said laughing."After all you're the one hoe wanted to see the sunrise."

"Okay... yes I did but, couldn't we have done it from the comfort of our hotel?" I asked looking up at him.

"We could've but, where's the fun in that." He said hugging me tighter. "There's the dock."

"Thank goodness." I sighed stepping out of his arms and preparing to run of this damn boat."Another minut and I would've thrown myself off of this boat!"

"Unlikely but...okay." He sighed swatting my hands away from his backpack."I'll carry it."

"I should've brought my own bag but, just have to be such a gentleman." I laughed watching the boat dock.

"The less you carry the less you whine." He chuckled climbing out of the boat."And the better for me."

"That's true." I shrugged accepting the hand he outstretched to me."Thanks."

"My plesier." He smiled helping me off the boat."Cadi said they would be waiting at the dock gates."

"Lead the way." I said walking next to him linking our fingers together.

Once the gates came into view my face lit up. I haven't seen these people in such a long time.

"Happy?" Harry asked laughing at my expression and squeezing my hand.

"Very, I haven't seen these people in ages!" I exaggerated smiling, walking quicker.

"Hey, long time no see." Harry said raising his hand and waving.

"I saw you just a couple days ago back in London, dude." Ben laughed giving Harry a bro-hug followed by Jakob then Justin.

"I missed you girls so much." I said smiling, leaving Harry's side and joining the girls.

"We've missed you too!" Lena said engulfing me in a giant hug followed by Amber then Cadi.

"It hasn't been the same without you." Cadi said pulling out of the hug. Looking over her shoulder at the approaching boys.

"You guys ready to go?" Jakob asked slinging an arm around Lena's shoulder.

"Yes... yes we are."Amber said smiling, picking up her backpack and walking out of the gates.

"It's a short walk to the edge of the hill, 5 minutes at most. Then a longer walk up the hill, 15 minutes at most but, we'll make it up there with time to spare." Cadi said following Amber out of the gates.

"Anything is better than that damn boat ride at the moment." I said walking out of the gates with the rest of the group and making them all laugh.

10 minutes later and I was regretting what I had said. At least I'm not carrying a backpack.

"Almost there, just another half a kilometer maybe less." Cadi said turning back to look at the rest of the group.

"You say that like it's a good thing." Amber sighed out of breath.

"Isn't it?" Cadi asked laughing.

"No... no it is not." I replied gasping for air. "How are you not out of breath?"

"I do a lot of rock climbing and hiking." Cadi replied walking faster.

"Of course you do." Justin replied slightly out of breath.

"That's an amazing view." Harry said from beside me as we reached the top of the hill.

"Worth the climb?" Cadi asked looking around the group.

"Well worth the climb."Amber replied while the rest of us murmured in agreement.

"Okay well let's get comfortable, it's another 30 minute until the sunrise." Cadi said taking her backpack off her back.

"Water?" Harry asked taking a water bottle out of his backpack.

"Yes please." I answered taking the bottel he outstretched to me."Thanks."

"My plesier." He smiled taking another bottel of water out. "I bet you miss the boat ride now."

"Shut up."I murmured into the bottle while he laughed."So what are we going to do after this?"

"Well, Cadi, Lena and Jakob have to go somewhere, I don't know where. Justin and Ben need to go to the airport, I don't know why and Amber is going to visit her cousin. So I thought after this we could go back to the hotel and chill a bit and then go with the flow." He shrugged sitting down, leaning his back against a rock and patting the space next to him.

"Sounds good." I said sitting down next to him. " I'm guessing the boat ride back will be better than the ride here."

"Yes...yes it will be." He said yawning, rapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer.

"Tired?" I asked leaning into his embrace wrapping my arm around his middle. The view up here was amazing, I just couldn't believe it.

"No." He said looking down at me and yawning again.

"Thank you." I whispered giving him a side hug.

"For what?" He asked squeezing my shoulder.

"For this beautiful experience and this amazing trip."I said looking up at him and resting my chin on his chest." You didn't have to bring me with."

"But I wanted to, it wouldn't be the same without you." He said smiling and placing a soft kiss on my forehead."I would miss you to much."

"Wow, it's amazing." Lena said referring to the sunrise.

Harry quickly grabbed his camera from his bag as we all stood up and walked to the edge of the hill.

"So beautiful." I whispered mezmorized by the sky changing colors from orange to yellow.

We all just stood there for what felt like hours but, it was only 20 minutes. After taking a couple fotos we packed up our bags and started our decent down the hill.

After reaching the bottom of the hill we all said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

"To the docks we go." Harry said draping an arm around my shoulders and laughing.

"Hopefully the boat ride back is better." I laughed holding the his hand that was draped around my shoulder.

"Well it's not as cold as it was this morning and the sun is up." He said looking up at the sky. "The boat ride back should be beautiful."

"When we get back to the hotel I am going to a nap." I stated looking up at him."Care to join me?"

"I'm going to take you up on that offer after we eet breakfast." He said laughing as we entered the docks.

"I was so tired a totally forgot about breakfast." I said shocked as he laughed.

"You... forget about breakfast... never!" He exclaimed sarcastically climbing into the boat and offering me his hand.

"Hahaha very funny." I said sarcastically taking  his outstretched hand and climbing into the boat. "My hair is going to be a mess after this."

"You always find something to moan about." He laughed sitting down and pulling me with him.

"With you there's always something to moan about." I laughed gently hitting his chest.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this one. Please tell me what you think.

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