Afraid Of Heights

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A/N : Don't really know what I tried to accomplish with this one, but here it is.

Without further adue, the oneshot.

"Nope, never going to happen. You're out of your mind if you think I going to do that. You can by all means, but you can't make me." This is what I said this morning before we left the hotel.

I knew he wouldn't listen to me and I blame myself for following the boy's up here. I'm to blame for ending up in this situation, no one else, but me.

"No,no,no,no I refuse to do something so suecidel." I pleaded and moaned as Harrison and Harry dragged me to the railing and you know what comes after the railing? Yup, you guessed it the ledge and after that a 30 story drop. "You can't make me!"

"Come on, it's not that bad." Harry replied, slightly tightening his grip on my arm when Harrison let go of my other arm. "You said you would do it if I did it and I did it."

"Yes, I did say that and decided against it right after, but I didn't think you would actually do it. I thought - I don't know what I- you were thinking!" I replied  desperately as we neared the ledge. "Harry no, please. You know I'm scared of heights. Harrison do something."

"No, I'm good." Harrison replied with an innocent smile backing away from the both of us. Motioning between Harry and I he added,"I actually want to see how this ends."

"You're a jackass, you both are." I muttered trying to plant my feet further into the concrete and failing as Harry tried to push me closer to the ledge. "Harry, please no!"

"You won't fall off... I promise." He replied in a soft tone. "Do it for me, please?"

"Fuck... Fine I'll do it." I said straightening my poster and leaning on the rail. "Promise I'll won't fall?"

"Promise." Harry whispered into my ear as he helps me over the railing. "Harrison bring me my camera please."

"Okay..." Harrison mumbled handing him the camera.

"How is this?" I asked as I sat down and looked at Harry.

"Perfect."He replied focusing the lens on the camera." Just hold it there... Done you can get down now."

"Thank goodness." I whispered under my breath climbing over the railing and back to safety. " I am not doing that again if the fotos come out horrible."

"Well... you don't have to because the came out amazing." Harry replied showing Harrison. "But I'm first going to edit them before you see them."

"I just risked my life and I can't even see the picture." I retorted walking to the exit of the roof. "Let's go before I throw one of you off the roof... or maybe both of you."

"Yeah...let's go." Harrison rushed out as he cut in front of me and ran down the stairs.

"He is a full grown child." Harry said draping his arm around my shoulders.

"Yes, yes he is." I added with a smile. "Where to next?"

"How about that building over there." He answered pointing at an even taller building."That should be fun."

"Not a chance." I replied with a sarcastic laugh. "But it was worth a shot."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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