Midnight Madness

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A/N: Well... this might suck. I got this idea off of Instagram and had everything planned in my head, that was a week ago. I can't remember the whole story but I'm gonna try.

Hope you enjoy it.❤️😜

"No, Harry, are you mad? " I practically shouted into my phone as I sat down on the couch. Harry had this amazingly stupid idea to sneak out tonight. I'm all for it but, if my parents found out they would ground me for life.

"Come on, please?" I could practically hear the pout in his voice, I hate it when he pouts because then  I can't say no to him and he knows it. "For me, please!"

There was a moment of silence where I contemplated just keeping quiet but I couldn't do that to him.

"Fine." I exaggerated throwing a little tantrum on the couch. "But only because I want to, not because you asked me to."

"Whatever you say." He said with a slight chuckle and I knew he knew, he had won. "I'll be at your house at half past eleven, okay?

"Yeah, okay." I answered with a sigh rolling my eyes. "I'll see you tonight."

"Kay, bye." I said with a sigh and ended the call.

"What have I got myself into?" I whispered to myself staring at the blank television screen.

"What did you say honey?" My mom asked walking out of the kitchen  wiping het hands and at the same time starteling me.

"Nothing!" I replied with wide eyes, jumping off the couch and running to my room. I am so paranoid.

"Goodnight!" I yelled from my bedroom, closing the door. It was 10:30 and I was already dreading tonight. All I could do was get ready and suffer in silence, otherwise my parents would know I was going out.

At eleven I got a text from Harry asking if I was ready because he wanted to leave earlier than planned. To witch I replied that I was and that when he got here I would kill him for making me do this.

After about ten minutes of sitting on my bed and stressing I heard a tap on my balcony door. I quickly grabbed my bag and went to the balcony door.

"Hey." Harry whispered as I closed the door behind me. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go." I whispered back walking to the edge of the balcony and looking at the tree next to my balcony. "Are you sure this is save?"

"Positive." He replied climbing onto the balcony and then into the tree. Offering me his hand he asked, "Do you trust me?"

"A- that's from Aladin and B- yes, I do." I whispered with a small smile, accepting his outstretched hand.

"Just carefully place you foot there, don't worry I got you." He said helping me over the railing and into the tree. "Okay, there you go."

"This is not so bad." I whispered with a smile looking up at him while clinging onto his arm for dear life. "Okay, what next?"

After making it semi-successfully out of the tree we started walking in the direction of the park. I can't believe he talked me into this, I can't believe I agreed to it.

"You can see all the stars perfectly from the park." Harry stated turning towards me with a big grin as we reached the park entrance. He looked so adorable when he was excited.

"Mmm kay." I replied looking around the park. Turning back to look at him my eyes quickly widened as he tripped over a tree root . "Harry look - nevermind "

"You couldn't of warned me sooner." Harry murmured from the ground rubbing his back."Shit, that hurts."

"Are you okay?" I asked kneeling down beside him with a panicked look on my face. I received a 'really that's your question' look from him and just gave him a sympathetic smile. "Okay, yeah, stupid question."

"You think." He replied with a wince as I helped him up, trying to hold back a laugh. "I'm fine, bruised but, fine."

"Do you wanna go home or I don't know, a hospital?" I asked dusting his hair and back off.

"No no, I just need to lie down under the stars with the perfect girl." He said looking at me with those eyes I couldn't resist. I can't believe he can be so...so...okay, I have no words for what his doing.

"Really, you just fell and most probably bruised your back, but no we have to go stargazing." I retorted letting go of him and grabbing the blanket he dropped.

"Wow you are soooo amazing." He sarcastically chuckled throwing an arm around my shoulders when I returned to his side. "Okay, let's go."

The walk to the patch of grass where we always sit was long and full of complaints. Not from Harry, but from me. How would you react, first I sneak out and then Harry falls and hurts himself. To me those are signs to turn around and go home!

"Will you stop moaning, we're here." Harry said letting go of me and taking the blanket out of my hand. Laying it down on the grass with some struggle, I was not going to help him and we all know why. "Finally, I can lie down!"

"Mmmm, let me check your back." I said kneeling down next to him and forcing him to roll onto his stomach. Lifting up his shirt I sucked a sharp breath in."This is bad, you got bruises and small cuts all over your back."

"I don't think it's that bad." He replied looking at me from over his shoulder as I pulled some makeup wipes out of my bag."Why do you always have the right thing at the right time? "

"I forgot to take this out of my bag when I got home this afternoon." I answered wiping the cuts and earning a low hiss of pain from Harry. "Not that bad he says."

"Ha-ha-ha very funny." He threw over his shoulder lying back down on his arms as I pulled down his shirt.

"It's a miracle your shirt is still intact." I murmured putting the wipes back in my bag and laying down on my stomach next to him.

"It's called being lucky." He replied looking at me with a wide grin on his face. Trying to roll over on his back and stopping halfway through the action and lying back down ons his stomach he added, "Nope"

"What type of luck do you have exactly?" I asked with as small giggle, laying my head on my crossed arms. "Because from hear it looks like the bad kind of luck."

"Wow, you are just full of snarkie remarks today." He exaggerated poking my arm. Even when his hurt he still finds it in him to be annoying, but a good annoying though.

"You're the fun, sarcastic one and I'm the cautious, bitchy one." I said looking at him with a grin on my face. "That's how the balance is kept."

"I'm not that sarcastic!" He retorted ignoring my last sentence, that's just rude. "Why am I the sarcastic one?"

"Harry, last week when the waiter asked if it was a table for two you whisper under you breath and I quote : No the floor will do. Luckily he didn't hear you." I replied with a raised eyebrow, letting out a small laugh at his reaction. Disbelief was plastered all over his face.

"Okay, okay I see your point." He replied with some hesitation before slowly looking infront of him. "but-"

"No buts, you already admitted to it." I interrupted earning a headshacke from him. I for one was proud of myself, why? Beacuase I'm slowly getting under his skin.

"At least I'm the funny one." He tried to rescue himself. All I could do was laugh at his attempt. Pointing towards me he added, "See, funny."

"I'm laughing at your attempt to rescue yourself, but let's call it you being funny." I said in between laughs.

I couldn't ask for someone better to sneak me out and watch the stars with even if I might get in trouble when I get home.

Hey guys I really hope you enjoyed this updates and tell me what you thought. I ran out of ideas to further the story, but thank you for reading and I really hope you did enjoy it.

If you guys have any ideas for one shots please PM me and thank you so much for reading the book.

❤️❤️ love you guys so much❤️❤️

Harry Holland x reader/imagines Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin