The Exchange

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AN: So in this one your an exchange student [17 years old] and Harry [19 years old] came to visit his family that live next to the family you're staying with.
The name of your friend is Amber, I'm sorry if that is your name, you can just change it.

"Who's that?" I wonder out loud sitting up from my seat on the bay window and looking down at the car that just stopped outside the neighboring house.

"Who's what?" Amber asked curiously standing up from her bed and walking towards me. "Oooooo him?" she asked looking at me.

"Yeah him." I said looking back at the boy.

"That's Sam's twin brother, Harry." She said walking to her desk to grab her phone." I forgot to tell you that mum and dad are going out tonight with the Hollands."

"Okay..... Cool." I murmured returning to what I was previously doing.

****** THAT NIGHT ******

As we made our way down stairs we could hear her parents talking excitedly between themselves.

"There you two are." Her dad said looking up from his phone. "We'll be back around eleven, twelve at the latest."

"Okay dad." Amber said looking at the door.

"Sam and Harry are going out and would quote: love it if you two joined them." Her mum said smirking.

Amber has had the biggest crush on Sam and I can obviously see that he likes her too but, she can't see it.

"Really" she smiled with wide eyes.

As I laughed at her actions the doorbell rang.

"Ooo that must be them." her mum said while her dad opened the door. "You two behave and you should be back in this house before we are and if anything goes wrong just call us, okay?"

"Yes mom, now go!" Amber said rowling her eye's playfully.

"Bye." All the adults said leaving and closing the door behind them.

"Where are you going?" Amber laughed following me up the stairs.

"If we're going out I at least want to look descent." I threw over my shoulder entering my room."Aren't you going to get changed." I asked going threw my wardrobe.

"Yeah...... Yeah I am." She said crossing the hall to her room. "Just dress casual!"

After deciding on my outfit {black ripped jeans, plain white t-shirt to tuck into my jeans, brown belt, blue denim jacket and some pink vans.} I took a quick shower. Leaving my hair to do iets own thing after brushing it, I got dressed. I decided that I wouldn't put makeup on since I wasn't in the mood and there wasn't time.

As we finished getting ready we heard the doorbell ring. Talk about good timing.

"Act casual." Amber whispered walking down the stairs.

"Why are we whispering?" I whispered back laughing. As we reached the door we heard the two male voices.

"Are you sure I look okay?" a nervous Sam asked.

"For the last time, yes you do." a voice, I assume Harry, said.

As I chuckled to myself, Amber opend the door revealing the two boy's. Sam's eyes immediately landed on Amber.

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