Chapter 26

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Harry stood immovable for a moment, staring at the crumpled body on the floor. The Dark Lord looked strangely innocent in death; his eyes were closed, and it was easy to imagine now that they had been grey rather than crimson. The cruelty that had haunted his features was no longer visible in the soft lines of his angelic face. The cold moonlight that streamed through the windows cast a silver sheen over his dark hair. Harry felt his breath catching in his throat. A murder. I have committed a murder now.

I have followed in your footsteps, Tom. Tonight, I committed a murder in the Riddle House. Tonight, I committed a murder in Little Hangleton. Tonight, I killed the spare...

Harry shuddered violently as he bent down over the still form and ran his fingers through the moon-silvered hair. You were only a dark dream of a future that will never be... Then he pressed a soft kiss to the cold lips and cried.


Harry's face was still wet with tears when Tom lifted him gently up from the floor in Dumbledore's office a moment later. Tom brushed the tears from his face with warm hands. The next instant, Harry felt another, colder hand tremble against his face as well.

"You did well, my love." Tom's voice was a whisper.

Harry raised his eyes and stared into Tom's face, flushed with beauty and life. The still, pale face of the Dark Lord of Riddle House was still burning in his memory. Harry flung his arms around Tom and clung to him, desperately. "I killed Voldemort," he whispered.

"Of course you did, my child." Voldemort spoke gently, his voice strangely soothing.

"I fired the killing curse at you, just like you once fired the killing curse at me." Harry struggled to keep his voice steady. "And yet, we are both still here... Somehow, we both survived the killing curse..."

The Dark Lord bowed his head gravely. "Yes, Harry. We are still here, you and I."

"Thank you, Elias." Alphard Black spoke softly by his side. His face was pale, but his dark eyes were shining. "May I... may I have the time turner back now? There are some people I am anxious to see."

"Yes, of course." Harry handed the time turner to Alphard. "Let me know how... how everything turns out, will you?"

Alphard nodded silently and walked to the door.

Dumbledore glanced up from his work for a moment. "Have a good night, Mr. Black."

"Good night, Professor. Thank you for lending us the Pensieve."

Dumbledore smiled. "Any time, Mr. Black. Oh, and if it's not too much trouble, would you mind lending me that little device you have there some time? It occurs to me that there are a few things I should take care of as well."

"Of course, Professor." Alphard glanced curiously at him, but Dumbledore was already immersed in his work again.

Alphard left, and Harry sank wearily down into one of Dumbledore's chairs. His mind was still swirling. Tom sat down on the floor in front of him and rested his head in Harry's lap, and Harry ran his fingers again and again through the soft curls. Dumbledore glanced up with a little smile, but made no comment.

"I wonder if Alphard will find Regulus alive in the future," Harry whispered.

Dumbledore peered at Harry over his half-moon spectacles. "Oh, I dare say he will, Harry." The future headmaster got up from his desk and poked at the little heap of ashes left at the bottom of Fawkes' cage. Something stirred in response, and a moment after, a bedraggled little head poked out of the ashes. Dumbledore stroked the tiny bird with a gentle finger and chuckled as the fledgling leaned into his touch. "See, he recognizes me; he always does." The scrawny little bird climbed gingerly onto his hand. "Oh, yes, Harry, I think Alphard will find the future full of unexpected wonders. But what exactly he will encounter in the future is difficult to predict."

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