Chapter 23

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"Where in Merlin's name is Abraxas Malfoy?" Professor Beery was growing quite agitated. It was almost time for the pantomime to begin, but Amata's faithless lover was nowhere to be seen.

"I think he is still playing Quidditch, sir," said Augusta Moon cheerfully. She peeked out through the velvet curtain that separated the stage from the audience. "Oh, look, there are hundreds of people out there! Almost all the students must be here, and the teachers as well. This will be so much fun!"

"Quidditch? How could he be playing Quidditch now? It's dark out already! And he's supposed to be the faithless lover!" Beery's voice rose to an indignant squeak. "Of all the fickle, irresponsible..."

"Faithless?" interjected Tom with a slight smile. "That's Abraxas for you, Professor Beery. We are going to need his understudy to step in, I'm afraid. Mr. Sanguini, do you know all the lines?"

The handsome young vampire nodded gravely. "Of course, Professor Riddle. I take my assigned role very seriously."

"Good, good." Professor Beery gave Sanguini a flustered little nod. "Er... Could you try to look a little more fickle? A little less brooding?"

"Fickle?" Sabino Sanguini was clearly not familiar with the word.

"More like a flighty Casanova, seducing one young lady after another and leaving them all broken-hearted. You character does after all abandon the lovely Amata very cruelly."

"Yes, I see." Sanguini pondered this for a moment. "Pardon me, Professor Beery, but I find that part very difficult to comprehend. My character loves Miss Amata, yes?"

"Yes, of course. But then he abandons her because he has fallen in love with another young lady instead." Professor Beery glanced through the script. "House-elves, will you please assume your positions for the opening dance?"

"I beg your pardon, Professor, but I do not understand how that is possible."

Beery looked bewildered. "You do not understand how what is possible, Mr. Sanguini?"

The pale vampire shook his head. "I do not understand how my character can love Miss Amata and then just... stop. Just like that. Surely love, the noblest and most eternal of emotions, cannot simply cease, from one moment to the next."

Beery sighed deeply. "This is no time for reflections on the nature of love, Mr. Sanguini. The part is simply written this way. You will just have to do your best."

"Yes, sir. Of course, sir." Sanguini leafed through the script again, shaking his head slightly.

"Miss Rosier! What is Merlin's name are you wearing?" Professor Beery had just caught sight of Druella Rosier. "That is not a rag."

Harry looked at Druella and tried not to laugh. "Not a rag" was an understatement; Druella was wearing a low-cut black satin dress that showed off her slim figure to perfection. The material itself was slightly sparkly, and it contrasted beautifully with her alabaster skin.

"That is a very lovely dress," said Sanguini hoarsely.

Professor Beery tugged at his beard. "But... but Altheda is supposed to be poor. Destitute, in fact. Destitute ladies do not wear dresses like that, my dear."

"Oh, come now, Professor. You cannot expect me to wear rags in front of a distinguished guest like Mr. Gaunt," said Druella softly. "Has he arrived yet?" She peeked through the curtain. "Yes, there he is, in the second row, next to Alphard. I wonder why there is an empty seat on the other side of Alphard?"

Harry smiled to himself. Hello, Ginny... Welcome to 1945. Enjoying your date with Alphard?

"And there is Cygnus too." Eileen Prince glanced quickly through the curtain as well. "Your boyfriend," she added, with a cold glance at Druella. Eileen was also wearing a low-cut gown, but hers was made of wine-red velvet. Harry had never thought of Eileen as particularly pretty - her pale skin and dark hair reminded him too much of her unborn son Severus Snape - but he had to admit that the dress was rather flattering.

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