Chapter 4

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"Imperio!" Tom Riddle pointed his wand at Harry's chest. A hush fell over the room.

Harry drew his breath sharply and stared, mesmerized, at the yew wand. The Imperius curse? I can resist it; I have fought it off before.

But what is this curious whisper in my heart? I can feel your magic coursing through my body. You have cursed me before, my Dark Lord, but it didn't feel like this. You want me to come closer. Closer... Something in me aches to do as you say. Something is stirring in my soul, some unbearable longing. I want to step closer. Resisting feels like dying... No! The wand you are pointing at me will kill my mother. It will kill my father. It will kill Cedric. No, my Dark Lord! I will not obey you. I will resist your curse even if it kills me.

He could see Riddle's quicksilver eyes widen now, as if in surprise. Was there a slight tremor in the hand that held the yew wand?

Harry could sense a quiet murmur running through the classroom, and a slight whisper from Abraxas: "Merlin, why isn't he moving-? How can he stand still like that?"

Harry could feel Riddle's magic tugging at him more strongly now, tearing at his heart. Come closer. Their eyes met, and Harry felt as if something sweet and dark was shredding his very being apart. But he stood immovable, holding Riddle's glance with his own until the grey eyes looked away. After a moment's hesitation, Tom Riddle lowered his wand.

How human he looks, with his tousled curls and his silver eyes and the slight flush on his cheeks... It would be easy to forget that he will one day be Voldemort.

Harry walked slowly back to his desk and sat down. He stared down at his books, trying to ignore the sudden whispers around him.

"You resisted the Imperius curse?" Cygnus' voice seemed to come from far away. "How is that possible?"

"That's what I would like to know, Mr. Black." Tom Riddle was close now, much too close. "This was meant to be a demonstration of the terrible power of this forbidden curse; it is so dangerous because it is impossible to resist. At this moment, a great many wizards and witches are on trial in various parts of Europe, accused of assisting the dark Grindelwald in murdering the innocent. But the accused all say that they are without guilt. They claim that they were bewitched; they were under the Imperius curse, which had robbed them of their free will. And I have no doubt that most of them will go free; for who can resist the irresistible Imperius curse? As you saw a few moments ago, I could make your classmates jump, dance, or sing with a flick of my wand, and they were powerless to resist me. So why didn't you move when I told you to, Elias Black?"

Harry glanced up. "Because I didn't want to, sir. I don't like obeying orders."

He saw the flicker of surprise in Tom Riddle's eyes and wondered if he was going to be angry. But the young teacher smiled. For a moment, he almost looked like a boy. "Spoken like a true Slytherin, Elias Black. I must admit that I am curious about you. Your mysterious guardian has taught you well. What other magic can you do?"

Harry merely shrugged. I can survive the killing curse, my Dark Lord, as you will one day find out.

Riddle's glance lingered on him for a moment. "You have a great deal of potential, Mr. Black. I would like to give you some private lessons. We can begin this evening. Please come to my office at eight o'clock."

Harry considered for a moment. Private lessons with Voldemort? What a strange thought. But his lessons might prove more useful to me than Dumbledore's. I seem to have some trouble with the killing curse, Professor. Perhaps you can help me...

"I would like that, sir. Thank you."


"Elias?" Abraxas caught up with him in the hallway. "That was... amazing. How did you do that? When you just stood there, Riddle grew so pale I thought he was going to faint." He grinned mischievously. "He's not used to people being able to resist him, you know. Hell, I don't even think he has to use the Imperius curse on some of the students; they'd jump and dance anyway if they thought it would please him."

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