Chapter 6

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"Wake up, Orion!" whispered Harry softly.

Orion Black peeked sleepily out from under the silver sheets, his long dark curls a complete mess. "Elias? 'S up?"

Merlin, how he looks like Sirius! I wonder if he can transform into a ragged black dog as well?

"It's my first Hogsmeade weekend, and I was wondering if you'd come with me. I need someone to show me the wonders of the magical village, and I'm afraid Abraxas is.. indisposed."

Orion glanced over at Abraxas, who was moaning under his blankets, and giggled. "Hung over?"

"Just a bit, yes. Slughorn's party last night was a little much for him. He's going to need to sleep in today."

"Looks like it. Hey, Elias, got any money for the shops in Hogsmeade? I'll give you some if you don't - my parents keep sending me owls with pouches of money. Got to keep up that Black style you know - otherwise, how would people be able to tell at a glance that we are superior?"

Harry laughed. "Thanks, but I've got a bag of galleons right here. Let's go explore Hogsmeade, shall we, Mr. Black?"

Orion sat up in bed, his dark eyes twinkling. "We shall, Mr. Black. Let's go to Honeydukes first for some nourishment, and then we can browse the latest fashions for elegant young wizards at Gladrags. And then perhaps Zonko's for a bit of a laugh, and the Three Broomsticks... Let's go out and paint the town Black! Do you want to have breakfast here first, or shall we just skip it? We might as well go straight for Honeydukes' Cockroach Clusters, don't you think? They are pretty nutritious, right?"

"Don't mention Cockroach Clusters..." murmured an indistinct voice from under Abraxas' covers. "I'm going to be sick, I think."

Orion dressed rapidly while Harry positioned a cauldron by Abraxas' bed and patted him gently on the head.

"I think the rest of the noble Black clan has already left for Hogsmeade," mused Orion as they headed up the stairs. "Cygnus and Druella are probably sitting at Madam Puddifoot's already, gazing into each other's eyes. And there can be no question of where Alphard is. My eccentric cousin adores the strange magical devices at Dervish & Banges; he is always hoping against hope that they will find him a time turner one day." He chuckled. "As if such a thing could ever really exist! Could you imagine what a mess it would be if people could travel back and forth in time?"

Harry could feel his heart beating faster. "That would be strange, wouldn't it?" He could almost hear Hermione's voice in his head: Awful things have happened when wizards have meddled with time.

Well, it seems that someone's already meddled with this time. Tom Riddle engaged to Walburga Black! Somehow, I have to get things back to the way they are supposed to be.

Harry and Orion stepped out into the glorious golden autumn day together and began walking the familiar path towards Hogsmeade. Somewhere in Hogsmeade, Tom Riddle is probably meeting his fiancee at this very moment. Perhaps Walburga is gazing into his silver eyes and feeling her heart flutter. Perhaps his lips are meeting hers in a passionate kiss that will trap her unborn son forever behind the veil that separates the unreal from the real... I have failed to rescue Sirius before, but I will not fail him this time.

Walburga must marry Orion, not Tom; otherwise Sirius will never be born. Or will he? What if Walburga married Tom, had a son, and named him Sirius? Would he still be the Sirius I know? No, impossible - he would be an entirely different Sirius, another person altogether. A different Sirius? No, I want my godfather, the rash and tempestuous animagus and former Marauder Sirius Black exactly how he was, fur and all! Come on, Orion, we have an unborn puppy dog to rescue, you and I... But how do I convince you that you are destined to steal your professor's fiancee?

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