Sunshine Café

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I am turning 18 today. I hope my soulmate is older, that way I don't have to wait for the markings. Whatever he writes on his skin will appear on mine. No one knows how, when, or why these markings first appeared but it is the way we live our life. Some people ignore the markings and love others but those usually end in divorce. I am so excited. I was born at 10:52 pm and if he lives in a different time zone I'll have to wait for them to wake. 

My best friend, Mari, when she turned 18, she drew a giant mustache on her face. When we went to the school one of our two best guy friends, Jacob, showed up mortified he had a mustache drawn on his face. 

Tony, our other best guy friend was convinced I was his soulmate. But he was younger than me by one day. He wanted to start dating a while ago but I am waiting to know for sure. 

10:51 Oh my gosh. One more minute I'm from for from the suspense. I grabbed my special silver pen. Click! Suddenly a weird feeling trickled down my arm some writing appeared immediately some appeared slowly as he wrote it. 

'Day 1091. Dear soulmate; I am losing hope of ever finding you. In five days it will be three years. I am losing hope of ever finding you. I finally did it today. I googled soulmateless. It's a real thing apparently. People spend years waiting for their soulmate who either doesn't exist, of never responds. Please don't do that to me don't leave me hanging like that. I hope I am not soulmateless. I hope you respond.'

As I read it he doodled hearts. Then he drew one big heart with a 'C+_'. My heart broke for him. That is so sad. He has been waiting for so long and yet he hopes. I grabbed the pen I had dropped in surprise and in the blank in the heart drew a 'H'. Hey! I waited for a response. When one did not come I wrote U ok? I waited for a reply. 

'Oh my gosh I think I'm in shock. Wow I didn't think you'd actually respond. Sorry about the stuff above I've been using my arm as a kind of journal and-'

I cut him off its ok I get it. We talked and I found his name was Cole Worker. Isn't that just the hottest name ever! I was so excited I wanted to meet as quick as possible so we planned on meeting tomorrow at the Sunshine Cafe. It was in the next town over for me and the closest town to where he lived. We talked about random things he told me he was a redhead who had brown eyes. He said he was buff but his 'self portrait' looked more like an alien. I bet you look like THIS. I drew a whale. He drew on abs. 

I never knew whales have abs. 

This is a special abbed whale. Is that a word? No probably not.'

Well I have to sleep see you tomorrow buff whale. :) 

'Goodnight. See you tomorrow' He drew on. 

The next day I went to the Sunshine Cafe. I was there thirty minutes early waiting for him. 

'I'm here.' he wrote. I looked around. A skinny guy walked in. He was not buff at all. He went to the corner booth on the other side of the cafe. Then he started kissing some blonde lady. "Hey Delores." He said. I was so hurt. Why would he lead me on like this? He told me to come and I came. Why would he start kissing some other lady. Wait. I caught a glimpse of his forearm. It was bare, no writing at all. My arm was covered with his writings. It must not have been him then. I let out a sigh of relief. I am really stupid. Where are you?

'I'm on the porch.'

I walked outside. There was no porch. What the heck? Was he a liar? I googled Sunshine Cafe. There was one in the town I was in, one in Australia, and one in Canada.

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