Chapter 12: News

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I finished my conversation with my mother. I am only slightly relieved from the conversation, which is better than nothing.

Looking at the clock perched on the side of my wooden desk, it is nearing twelve in the afternoon. I spent an hour talking with my mother and I'm agitated that it will now take me longer to get my emails done.

I open the most recent email from one of the Kings I've seen at the meeting the other day and it so happens to be Ellis.

Greetings King Kaden,

I am juat checking in with all the Kingdoms to investigate how you all are feeling after the meeting the other day. I truly feel horrible for the attack that was being planted on us and the threat the mysterious note had on us and our mates. I just want to see how you are making out with your fortifications on your Kingdom and how Mack is doing. If there is anything you need, do not hesitate to contact me. I would die if another experienced the same fate my mate did.

Regards, Ellis

Hitting reply, I contemplate what I will write in my email to Ellis. I refrain from procrastinating and begin typing.

Hello King Ellis,

Both Mack and I are very good, thank you for asking. I have not yet spoken to my warriors, however, after I write this email I will speak to them. Do not place the blame on yourself, the attack could have happened anywhere.

I am a man of few words so I'm signing off.

Stay positive, King Kaden

Briefly proofreading my writing, I hit send as a loud knock occurs on my door.

I close my computer. "Come in."

The door creaks open and Don appears, stepping through the opening and standing rigidly.

"Hello, Don," I greet, placing my arms over the closed computer. "How may I help you?"

"There is a police officer at the front gate, wishing to speak with you."

"Okay thanks, I'll meet with them in a second." Don goes to walk away. "Wait, is Mack still out with Devon?"

"I do not think so. I saw Devon on my way to see you," Don replies.

I give a nod. "Thank you. See you later."

"Goodbye King Kaden," Devon says, leaving the way he came.

I let out a puff of air before standing up from my desk and walking towards the door to my office.

Walking down the corridor towards the front doors, I feel nerves flood into my body. I attempt to calm my breathing once the oak doors close behind me and I lumber down the path towards the front gate. I can already see the police officer leaning against his police car as they stare at me.

I park myself in front of the gate, hesitant to open the gate to let them in and to make conversing easier. It's clear they notice my discomfort and say in Romanian, "It is not necessary to leave your property. I am fine with speaking to you from this side of the boundary."

"Thank you. Your consideration is much appreciated," I respond in Romanian.

"No problem, King Kaden," he responds.

"What is the purpose of your visit this afternoon?" I inquire. Police officers never visit unless there is a problem involving the vampires of the city. They are one of the few officials that know of my supernatural side.

"There was an incident in the cafe in downtown. The witnesses confessed that there was a couple having coffee and talking. The next minute, one of the boys stormed from the table and out the cafe and the other boy followed behind. I have reason to suspect one or both are of your nature," the police officer responds in Romanian.

"I cannot be certain from your suspicions. Do you know either names or their appearances?" I respond to the officer with doubt.

"One had dark brown hair and looked to be in his teens. A witness managed to take a picture of the incident."

He shows me the phone through the bars, I place my hands against the gate and I am speechless to the photo I'm seeing. "What the hell? That's Mack." I grip onto the iron and I can feel it bend in my grasp as anger surges in my body.


A/N: This chapter sucks, but I wanted to add a chapter where Kaden found out what happened to Mack.

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