Chapter 4: Red

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"Who was at the door?" I ask, walking into the bedroom.

Kaden turns around. "Nobody."

"You're a horrible liar."

He sighs. "It was your friend."


"Sure. I don't care."

"Well, I do care. She's my friend."

He scoffs. "Friends don't want to take each other to bed."

"I thought we were done talking about this. She was drunk and said things she didn't mean."

"A drunk mind, speaks sober thoughts!" He exclaims.

"I said no to her offer! How many times do I have to say it? I don't like girls!"

"What if she pressured you? What if she continued to have sex with you even after you declined? What then?"

"You don't know her. She would stop if I said no."

"How can you know that? You haven't seen her for months."

"And who's fault is that. I would have been able to have friends if I was let out of this room."

"I was trying to p-"

"No, you were trying to protect yourself. It was never about me."

Kaden opens his mouth. I don't listen anymore to what he has to say as I storm out of the room.


"I need air," I mumble before exiting through the door.

I walk through the various hallways and stairs. I come across many people some of them look at me and some bow as I walk pass.

I put my hands on the gold of the doorknobs to the front doors, I push them open and walk out into the gleaming sun. I breath in the fresh air as I walk around the front lawn.

Thank god, I don't turn into ash in the sunlight. The sun just isn't that pleasant feeling on my skin.

"Ki-Mack?" I hear from behind me.

I turn around to face Don. "Hey."

He holds out my sunglasses and I take them from him. "Thanks."

"I would advise you to head inside and talk to him," Don says as I slip the sunglasses on my face to protect my eyes.

I shake my head. "I need space and so does he."

"He wants what's best for you."

"Was keeping me sheltered from the rest of the kingdom best for me?"

He shrugs. "I don't know."

I turn away from him and walk further down the lawn. But I turn around when I hear his footsteps. "Do you have to follow me?"

"I'm your guard. I was hired to keep you safe."

"I'm fine. I'm not weak, I can take care of myself. Why does he think so low of me?" I fume, mostly speaking to myself.

"I don't know Mack."

"Okay, I'll tell you what. You stay at the castle but if I'm not back by sundown, then look for me."

"Sounds reasonable."

breathlessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon