Chapter 10: Warning Call

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The ringing in my ears becomes less prominent as I reach consciousness. I stay still for several minutes, waiting for my injuries to be healed.

I push myself off the ground and look around the room. It is in chaos, many are screaming and looking through the huge hole in the window caused by the blast.

Ellis is just regaining consciousness from beside me. The blast must have thrown him over the table... or through it.

"Ellis, are you okay?" I ask, touching his shoulder.

"I feel okay. What the hell was that?" He mumbles.

"My best guess was a bomb."

He shakes his head quickly. "Who would try to kill us?"

"Certainly not someone who knows what we are."

My eyes travel to a single piece of paper, blowing absentmindedly on the broken table. I snatch the paper. The person wrote in very clear and block letters, "THIS ATTACK WAS A WARNING. NEXT ONE WILL KILL ALL OF YOU. P.S. I WILL KILL ALL OF YOUR MATES, JUST LIKE I KILLED THE KING OF ENGLAND'S."

"What does it say?" Ellis questions me peeking over my shoulder.

I hide the letter from his view and crumple it up. "The attacker wants us and our mates dead."

"Why would that be? We never take blood from those who don't volunteer."

"I don't know, but we need to come up with a plan for the next time they decide to attack."

"Yes and the plan needs to happen quickly. They killed my mate and there is only a matter of time when they kill everyone else's," Ellis says loudly, causing Kings to look over at us.

"Then, why are we still here and not with them?" One of the Kings questions and many others join in a chorus of agreement.

"Because I asked all you here to join and decide how to deal with this person."

"Fine, let's talk," the King of Russia demands.

After talking and arguing for a few hours, we finally came to an agreement. The Kings will return to their castles, increase the fortifications, and kill the culprit when they come on their land. It seems like they are just hiding and too scared to do anything else. This is true, even to me and why I am returning to Mack.


I enter the gate exactly four hours later. I open the car door quickly and inform the closest guard of the persisting threat. He nods at me and proceeds to radio his coworkers. I walk away while he does this and open the grand door into the castle. I walk up the many stairs until I land on the level where Mack is located.

I open the door to our bedroom and immediately start to panic when I don't see him here. I check the bathroom before I jump to conclusions, he's not in there.

I pull out my phone and speed dial him. The call goes to voicemail. "Hey, Mack. I just returned from the meetings with the Kings. I'm in our bedroom but you're not here. I hope wherever you are, Don is with you. Call me when you get this."

I leave the room, following his scent the opposite way I came. The scent leads to my office where Don is standing in front of.

He looks over, seeing me approach.

"Is Mack in there?" I ask him, hopefully.

He nods silently.

I turn the doorknob and enter the room quietly. Mack is sitting at the desk with his head on his hands with painted blue nails. He looks up when I walk in.

"Hey princess, I've missed you."

"Missed you too."

I walk over to the desk and lean against it, facing Mack.

"Why are you back so soon? It was only a few days."

"There was something that occured while I was there."

He lifts his head from the table and looks towards me confusedly.

"Someone attempted to bomb us."

His eyes widen. "Is everyone alright?"

"Yes, we all healed from the blast."

"Do you know who did it?"

"No clue. The only thing we know is that they had knowledge that all of us were going to be in one room," I respond. "That reminds me, we were called to this meeting because King Ellis' mate was kidnapped and eventually killed. We want to make sure this does not happen to our mates, so as of now you need to stay in this house."

"But I was locked up for months."

"Just until we punish the person or person's trying to kill us."

"Okay fine. Promise me that this will be soon."

"Promise princess." I reach my hand to his head and run my fingers through his hair.

Mack gets up from his chair as I continue with my hand in his hair. He presses his lips to mine and I cup his cheek with my free hand. I am pushed against the wall as Mack's tongue darts out and licks my lip. I open my mouth to him, letting him take control. We stay in this position for a while until I pull away.

"As much as I want to stay here like this, I think relocating to a more comfortable spot is much better."

He pecks my lips. "I agree too."

So we proceed to leave my office and head to our bedroom for some alone time.

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