Chapter 15: One Last Time

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A Few Days Later


I open my eyes in the dimly lit room and I grimace in pain. The pain in my throat has gotten worse and the pain and aches throughout my body are not a pleasant occurrence either.

The metal door creaks open and a gust of air travels in my direction, it's the scent of human blood. I attempt to lift my head as my fangs rip through my gums and are in excruciating pain.

I hear footsteps shuffle over to me and hot fingers lifting my chin up. I can see Alex clearly in the darkness and feel anger set in the pit of my stomach.

"How are you feeling, red?" He says, but I know he doesn't care about my response.

I don't answer because I don't think my mouth could form words amidst the dryness.

"From the look of you, I estimate you only have a day left."

I feel hot tears wetting my cheeks and I quickly realize they are mine.

"You... don't... have... to," I say, coughing up each word as they may be my last.

"I really like you, Mack. I wish I didn't have to but I do."

"Kill... me... now," I whisper. I cannot take this anymore and I wish he'd put me out of my misery. He says he likes me, but puts me through Hell.

Alex removes his hand from my chin and turns to walk away.

"Alex. Before... I... go,"

He turns back around and walks over to me.

He bends down and presses his lips to mine. I ignore my skin crawling and the feeling to pull away. I feel my fangs elongate and I sink them into the skin of Alex's lips.

Once he realizes what I'm doing, he attempts to pull away but I sink my fangs in further. The blood is warm and pungent in my mouth and it soothes my burning throat quite a lot.

I finally let go when Alex slaps me across the face and his expression is fuming.

He doesn't say anything as he storms out of the room.

Once the doors are closed, I work on pulling the rope around my wrists off. It takes much struggling on my part and I nearly give up until I hear the snap. I shrug the rope off my arms and bend down to untie the rope of my legs.

When Alex returns to me, he will have a devilish surprise when I kill him and escape.


A/N: A short chapter, because things will pick up next time in Mack's POV and to be honest I had a small amount of writer's block.

Will he escape Alex's clutches? Will Alex kill him before he can?

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