Chapter 8: Meeting

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King Ellis^^^

2 Weeks Later


I open my eyes slowly to the orange light peaking through the curtains. I yawn and tighten my arms around Mack who is nuzzling into me. I kiss his head gently and slip my hands under his shirt to rub the tips of my fingers down his back.

Mack stirs.

"Good morning," he mumbles into my neck.

"Morning, princess."

"When do you have to leave for your flight?"

I glance at the clock. "Two hours."

Mack lifts his head. "I'll miss you."

I bring one of my hands up to his face. "I'll miss you too. But I'll only be away for a couple of days and it won't even seem like I left." I peck his lips.

"I know, but I've never done any work type stuff with the kingdom before."

"It's not that difficult," I argue, running my thumb over his cheek.

"Easy for you to say, you've been King for a while."

"I guess so."

Mack turns over to the other side and hops out of the bed.

"Where are you going?" I question.

"To have a shower," he answers and shuts the door to the bathroom.

I quickly throw the sheets off my body and rush after Mack.

Mack just slips into the shower as I walk in and I shut the door behind me and also strip.

I walk over to the curtains and pull one side back before walking inside.

Mack's face is to the spraying water coming from the shower head, so he does not see me yet. My eyes travel from the curve of his shoulders, down to the small of his back, and down to his bum.

I begin to ache just thinking about getting inside him after several days of just teasing. And boy, can he tease and tease and tease until you wish you were cumming down his thighs.

I reach out to touch his velvet smooth skin. He tenses up for a moment before realizing it's only me. He turns around to face me, water dripping down his face.

My other hand attaches to his waist and I bring him closer. Our lips barely touch until he moves in just the slightest amount and his mouth is soft on mine.

I begin to move my lips against his, him copying my movements as our lips smack slightly. But the sound is not noticeable through the water pouring down onto our bodies.

I turn him slightly so he soesn't run into the shower head and push him up against the wall.

I move in between his legs and Mack quickly wraps his legs around my waist. I lick up his lips and he opens then to let me through.

I move our members together, creating friction. Mack pulls away from my lips and he lets out a high-pitched moan. "F-F-Faster."

I don't think twice and move against him in animalistic speed, slipping my member into his entrance. He moans and I peak his lips.

I continue to move quickly inside him and I feel the pit of my stomach filling up. I can barely get the words out before I cum inside him. He follows not long after, cumming onto our chests.

I pull out slowly and let both of us carch our breath.

Mack reaches over to the shower rack and pours some soap on his hands. He begins to rub the soap on his body.

I look at him strangely.

"I didn't just come in here because I wanted to have sex, I need to shower," Mack explains.

"At least let me clean you," I say, grabbing the shampoo and pouring some on my hand.


I walk up the path leading to the front gate. I stand there for a few minutes until I realize nobody will open the door. I press the speaker button on the monitor to the side.

"State your name and business," the voice box says.

"Kaden Brookson. I was sent an email from King Ellis," I say clearly into the mouthpiece.

"Yes, okay. You may enter."

The gate doors swing open and I walk through and walk to the front door, noticing various cars parked.

I knock on the door and it opens promptly. I quietly move inside and shut the door on my way.

I can hear loud footsteps from upstairs and I follow them to the stairs and down to in front of me where Ellis is standing.

"Thank you for taking time from your kingdom to visit me. If you'll follow me Kaden, I'll show you to the parlour where the Kings are already," Ellis speaks quickly, turns back around, and walks back up the stairs.

He leads me to the parlour and I take a seat wherever is free as he sits down at the head of the table.

"So as you all know," Ellis begins, "I've lost my lover a few weeks ago and I've brought you here because I need your help." He pauses before continuing. "I found his body in an abandoned house, torn to shreds and blood drained from his veins. The killer must if cleared out many days beforehand as their scent was faint. But they forgot to take one thing, a picture of my lover with a circle and an x on it. My workers are still trying to find the culprit but I could use the assistance from you."

"What if our partners do get taken, shouldn't we be with them?" A King from across the table questions.

"Your security is better than mine and very few of you have partners. From what we could discover from the faint scent, the person is human or close to human. So that means they will have to use human transportation to get to the kingdoms which will take a long time."

"So, you want us to find the person before we leave or in our own kingdoms?" I ask Ellis.

Ellis begins to open his mouth but gets cut off as the glass breaks and we barely have enough time to hide under the table as the room blows up.


A/N: Thoughts on the chapter? I hope the reasons for Ellis calling this meeting was clear.

Any thoughts on who the culprit could be?

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