Prologue: Meddling Gods

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NOTE: Like any other Prologue, you can skip this and go straight to chapter 1. Sorry if it's too long.

"Lady Ajimu, are you listening?"

All for One sat in the darkness of his private room and asked it for the attention of a higher being.

"All my friends call me Anshin'in, All for One," replied the high-school girl who instantly materialized, sitting atop the bookshelf in the corner of the room. Her ankle-length hair dangled to the side of it, and strangely seemed clearly visible in the dimness, as if untouched by the background like the rest of her body. She popped out of the world, and continued doing so.

Although he could not stop the nervous gulp at her sudden appearance, the scarred figure leaned back in his chair, one leg atop another, topping off his usual confident facade with a wide smile and clasped hands. "I ask for assistance on the matter of my protege: Tomura Shigaraki." 

After waiting for about 5 seconds for him to continue, Ajimu dropped down to the floor and began slowly walking around the room, "Anything else? Could you be a little more specific with your request to this simple schoolgirl?"

"No," a few beads of sweat formed along his brow as her steps made an impossible echo in his small room, "I trust that whatever you decide will be... 'sufficient' in both undermining the heroes and training Tomura."

"And is there any reason I should grant this request? I would think that a villain among villains like yourself can handle anything troubling you..." She haughtily snapped her head to the side, "Hmph! Moreover, is that all you had to say to an old friend like me?"

A spacious silence preceded his next words: "I assumed immortals would love any chance at excitement," followed by a brief pause, "and I hope to also borrow some of your many quirks as a friend. I promise I honor all my loans."

Anshin'in laughed.

She shook his hand and All for One activated his quirk, taking only a precious hundred few from Anshin'in's quadrillions before feeling his quirk strain at the sheer power of each skill. "Very well, then," She disappeared instantly, wicked grin flashing, but left her voice behind to finish her sentence, "You seem uncomfortable so I'll leave now, just don't regret this, you shitty old man..."

Silence settled in and All For One let himself relax again, dropping his smile. His head swirled drawing up schemes to pull during the chaos that Anshin'in will inevitably bring, then pressed the communications button to the bar/hideout of the rest of the League of Villains.
"Kurogiri, I'm sending more Nomus over."
|====================|                1                |====================|

Anshin'in reappeared in the classroom where she had her face ripped off in the past, her mental home and extra-dimensional headquarters hidden in the hearts of all who met her. She found two acquaintances waiting for her.

"Don't waste my time Anshin'in, There's still a Jotaro Over Heaven in the multiverse that I need to kill." casually growled a man of ash-white skin and flowing golden hair as shiny as his golden bangles and trinkets. DIO's pure white robes left his muscled torso and arms exposed, settling underneath him as he sat down on a classroom chair. A piercing stare at Anshin'in burst from him, but his looks were hard to take seriously due to his name "DIO" repeating down golden stripes across his face.

"It's very unbecoming of a Sage to switch out her hibernation for a vacation..." remarked the blonde lady in a frilly, white dress, a purple tabard with trigrams and hexagram designs on it. She left her pink parasol atop one of the classroom's desks and straightened her golden locks behind her, each tied at the tip with a red ribbon. The shadows around her were chaotic, a visible silhouette of gaps in reality laid inside them and outlining her frame, showing itself as a mess of random colours and the occasional floating eyeball.

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