"I also notice you react to situations you find awkward with humor, you joke a lot."

"Not you too." Alex was always saying this, she'd said it the other day about the porn movie, what was wrong in finding humor where things were awkward and tense, it helped ease things, it helped ease her.

"Well I think you use it as your defense mechanism, something happens and you can't deal with it you use humor and that is how you deal with it, without actually admitting what you really feel, tell me when you and Alex your partner argue how do you feel?"

"Angry because we are fighting." (Y/n) shrugged.

"Yes, but how angry do you feel yourself being pushed to the night at your restaurant?"

(Y/n) shifted awkwardly, she was fighting the urge not to throw him out the window. "You mean have I ever hurt her? No way I have never ever hit her, or even wanted to hit her, I never wanted to hurt the girl that night but she touched me and I couldn't see her instinct of a darker time kicked in, and I was feeling weird." Suddenly a cold sweat engulfed her, closing her tightly in an ominous cloud. "Why do you think I will, OMG will it be Alex next, what if I really hurt her?" Her heart pounded hard in her chest at the thought.

"Ah yes your anxiety attack, have you experienced this before?"

"No, never before, I had the nightmares though, tell me don't ignore me doc will I hurt the woman I love?" (Y/n) shouted.

He looked up at her taking in the signs of her physical distress. "I cannot say for sure, PTSD is a complicated condition, I can't ever say no but also I can't say that you will."

"I won't ever hurt her I will fly into the fucking sun first!" (Y/n) said firmly with conviction.

He looked down at his watch, he'd asked such a destroying uncomfortable question and then just looked down at his watch as though he were bored. "Well, Ms (L/n) it looks as though our time is up, same time next week I hope you can come into the office then, your dog may be cute but my wife doesn't enjoy the chew marks he leaves on my shoes."

"Err yeah sorry about that doc, he has a shoe fetish I think, err doc I can recover right? I won't be like this forever will I?" (Y/n) asked nervously.

"Ms. (L/n) that all depends on you, let me tell you what after two sessions I have learned about you, you are from a broken home, and while your father tried his best you from a young age learned to look after yourself, you distrusted the notion of love because your mother showed you what love was by abandoning you and then returning to cause more trouble, you now find yourself in a situation you are literally terrified you will lose, you have the prospect of an actual family, a woman who truly loves you and yet, still you see your mother in the face of them all, will they leave you, will Alex leave you? you live every day with that small little voice of caution in your mind, your time away in the Phantom Zone was just a visual display of all you feared and more demonstrations of how little your mother regards you even though she once professed her love to her only child. Now you are back but waiting for the next heartbreak, a little word of advice Ms. (L/n) live only for today, things will happen they do to everyone but you survived everything you have encountered in your life the odds are you will survive the next, plan your wedding, plan parties with the ones you love, Krypton exploded their tomorrows are all gone, but yours, they are still to come, stop letting you negative past affect your positive future, do that and it will go a long way to help you."

"You kept that last pep talk for the very end huh doc?"

He smiled. "Not all Kryptonians wear capes Ms. {L/n)." He said walking to the door.

"Wait, are you...does that mean you are too?"

"I can't give away my mystery now, can I? Again thanks for not letting your dog destroy my shoes the wife really does go mad."

"Oh sure." (Y/n) dismissed watching him close the door behind him, why did she feel a lot more energized after that, she would make sure though that she never hurt Alex, she didn't know how she would do it if she ever found herself in that place again, but she would need to, if she ever hurt Alex she would well and truly know she was a lost cause, she'd meant what she had said she would fly into the sun.

She turned around her gaze going to the little dog now sat up watching her, his small pink tongue poking out of his mouth. "Come on you, let's go to the park, let's get some fresh air, maybe we can get Alex to come and visit us for a little bit, you'd like to see Mommy wouldn't you?"

Woof, woof! He barked enthusiastically.

"You better not tell her I just said that you know what she is like she will never let me live it down." (Y/n) smiled slipping on his leash.

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