Home Made Potstickers

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(Y/n) knew offering to make Kara homemade potstickers as a thank you for helping her move into Alex's apartment would mean she would spend her day off in the kitchen cooking.

Pork, shrimp, mushroom she had made a selection, knowing Alex's sister's stomach was a bottomless pit.

Where does she put all the food she eats?

Rolling the ingredients into the wonton wrappers was time-consuming and deathly boring, still with the music on in the background she danced along humming and singing in parts.

Alex was at work, she hoped they would have a day off together soon, she missed her so much.

She smiled, I love Alex Danvers. It sounded like the most wondrous melody in her head.

Moving in had been pretty stressful, but Lena and Kara had offered to help as well as Alex of course who was on boss duty.

"Kara put that table down it's staying here," Alex shouted to her sister who had it easy lifted on one hand in the air, quickly lowering it as she heard ( Y/n) and Lena come back in.

"I can't believe I'm leaving." ( Y/n) sighed.

"You weren't here long enough to get attached to it." Lena shrugged.

" I know but still I will miss the place, the kitchen is amazing. " She stared longingly at the kitchen.

"Err babe don't worry my kitchen does the same job." Alex jumped in worried she would change her mind about moving in.

" I know. " She sighed.

"Oh come on (Y/n) you give up the bigger kitchen but get sex on tap." Her best friend leaned in to whisper in her ear.

She laughed turning to look at Alex.

"Well if you put it that way, I'd make do with a camping fire."

Lena laughed. "Let's not go crazy."

Kara blushed overhearing their conversation, she never would get used to anyone talking like that about her sister.

Lena chose that moment to come out of the bedroom, a few pairs of sexy black lingerie hanging from her fingers.  "So this is a new development, do you use these to entice Alex?"

Alex blushed a shade of red (Y/n) didn't even think was possible and Kara wasn't far behind her sister. 

(Y/n) lunged forward at her friend grabbing her lingerie safely.

"That is none of your business Lena Luthor!"

Lena laughed and turned to Kara. "Yeah, she does use it to seduce Alex."

" Alex, remember how you wanted to kill Lena, you can do that right now. "

Lena threw her head back and laughed loudly.

"My position is always safe, I'm not worried she begins to miss me after a day." She shrugged.

" You are being far too confident in that assumption. "

"This is turning very wrong." Kara groaned.

"You are embarrassing Kara, stop it, Lena."

"Alex please let me use my super speed I can get this done in the blink of an eye." She leaned towards her sister and whispered.

"And how would you explain to Lena and (Y/n)?" Alex shrugged seeing the flaw in her plan.

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