"I say that we take two groups, one entering the city together," said Negan. "We take the east, down by avenue south street. There's a stop ground of Claimers watching over a quarantine wall. That's where we sneak up and kill them, no sounds."

"We should take a quarter of our people like we did with the Glory." Said Mal.

"Mal," Rachael implored to her. "It's been many months. We took every weapon they took from the Flyer Frontiers and guards. Nothing's happened. We're safe here. We're all still going to be right here, and we won't want to waste enough gas. You need fewerpeople, more as a small mission. If bringing every Savior into this, they'll be restless."

Mal frowned and bit her lip, and Negan gave it a shot. "Mal, listen to her. You really think she'd be saying any of this if she thought we were in danger? Listen to the fuckin' thoughts." Negan joked, trying to lighten Mal's heavy mood.

"It's safer if we're bringing every gun," Mal muttered. "And take much time to watch where every Claimer is. See what weapons they still have."

Vix placed a hand on Mal's shoulder. Negan felt a swell of relief and little bit of pride that Mal didn't flinch away. She was getting better, not jumping anymore when people from their group brushed against her or touched her. She would still occasionally look uneasy, and she avoided getting too close in proximity to anyone outside of their group, but that was to be expected. Small steps forward.

"Mal, you know I respect the decisions you're suggesting. And I understand that letting go under control, even a little bit, is a big deal for you. But you need to listen Negan. He's your leader, and if you can't trust the people here, trust that Negan knows how to defend us." Said Bud.

Mal frowned at her clutched hands. "I know I trust you. But if they have weapons like back in Whitefish lake, we don't know if they are the artillery. We're at risk already, and if we start splitting up our chances will be even worse." She stood up, and headed into the railing outside. Sheree sighed and jerked her head at Negan, indicating she wanted him to try to talk some sense into Mal.

Negan obeyed the suggestion, padding out the door after Mal, closing it and standing beside her where she stood out the railing, watching over the nice view. Mal didn't acknowledge him, just stared in frustration. Negan sensed that Mal just wanted to look busy so they'd stop questioning her.

"Mal, I really think you need to let our plans happen," He said gently, sliding a hand onto her shoulder.

"A lot could go wrong."

"A lot could go wrong even if we're all together, Mal. You know that. If we brought everyone out there, lots of us would be dead." Mal avoided his eyes, and Negan reached forward, gently cupping the side of Mal's face in his hand and tilting it up to face him. Mal's eyes went wide at the gesture- there was no fear there, though, just breathless surprise at the intimacy of it. "Baby, it's gonna be alright. It is. Trust us. One fucking bit. You'll see. You said yourself that we are gonna win, no one dies. Fucking think about it; once it's over you'll have a whole damn room to yourself. I know you've been getting better, but I still see how fucking nervous it makes you being crowded into one room with so many people, and bitchin' about everything they don't know what to do."

Mal sighed, but Negan could see that she was considering it. "I trust you."

"Everyone will be fine, especially with only a few people in two groups, and things will be fine. I fucking promise."

That seemed to sate Mal. She took a deep breath and stepped into the living room, regarding the Saviors. "We can try splitting off into the neighbourhood. Look for any signs of Claimers and/or survivors. If we see anything in the house you can used as a weapon, keep it close by."

The Ruins Part 2 (Sequel to The Ruins)Where stories live. Discover now