...At all i see. Melbourne, Australia

Start from the beginning

"Mr Styles. I am fairly sure that this is inappropriate workplace behaviour." I giggled, interrupting him as he planted one last fat sloppy wet kiss right on the end of my nose before releasing me and stepping back, looking mighty proud of himself.

Jumping off my stool, I staggered slightly as I leant my head on Harry's broad shoulder and furiously wiped the lingering wetness from my nose onto his T-Shirt. Sticking my tongue out at him as I backed away.

"How rude! I'd be careful waving that thing about at me Trouble."

"Yeah? Why? What you gonna do?" I teased him and holding my ground and squaring my shoulders slightly as he stepped towards me.

"Let me show you." were the last words he captivatingly whispered as his lips fell back upon mine.

"Well well well, you really are becoming quite the dirty stop out ain't ya?" Sammy drawled when I got back to our room later that evening. "At least you look dry, yep, no sign of seaweed. I take it that means you managed to not fall in any more oceans at least?" She continued as she appraised me, looking me up and down as I sat down on my bed opposite her.

"Something's different, though. Hmm... Hairs a little mussed, face is a little flushed. Eyes have a bit more sparkle... You were with a guy!" she deduced in record time. Crap.

"Hmm." I murmured non-committally in return as I stood and started rifling through my suitcase for my pyjama's and began to get ready for bed.

"Don't you 'hmm' me Matilda. Who were you with?" Sammy asked, obviously determined to extract the truth from me.

Shit, am I ready to start discussing this? Is there even anything to discuss? It was just a few kisses after all...

A huge man-mountain of a security guard had interrupted Harry and I as we stood wrapped in each other's arms in the arena, I'd done my best to ignore his not-so-subtle throat clearing, but Harry, ever the polite gentleman, instantly unwound himself from around me and turned to speak to the guy. Who I could see was tapping at the face of his watch in an impatient gesture.

"We're just on our way out now Rocko, thanks for letting us rehearse tonight, it's been a big help." Harry grinned back at the bulky man with a smile that could melt even the hardest of hearts. It would have been even more helpful without the interruption I thought sarcastically.

"No, bother H." The guard replied in a tone that made it clear that it WAS actually quite the bother. If it weren't, he wouldn't have felt the need to interrupt us at all.

With that Harry had taken my good hand in his and led us both out of the stage door exit to the rear of the arena, followed closely by Man Mountain, and out to where a car was waiting to drive us, well Harry technically. Still, it seems the driver was getting both of us tonight, back to the hotel.

We hadn't spoken much on the journey back, which was all of about five minutes long, as Harry was busy conversing with the driver who was clearly someone he knew well, but despite my not really being involved in the conversation, Harry never let go of my hand, stroking light circles across my skin as we zoomed down the darkened roads.

The second we had walked through the large glass doors of the hotel lobby, Harry had been instantly accosted by Mitch. Who appeared, seemingly out of thin air and spoke in a quiet, unassuming voice.

"H? Jeff's been looking for you, he needs to talk to us about some idea he's had for Argentina."

"Another one? I thought we went through all that yesterday?" Harry said, slightly exasperatedly

"You know, Jeff." was all Mitch replied with a shrug of his thin shoulders.

"I'm sorry Trouble, I should go see what that's about." Harry said, turning back to me, apologetically

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