-"You're Perfect To Me."; Chapter 18.

Start from the beginning

We reached the blanket, and I threw my crutches down in the sand. I remained standing on my feet as I lifted my tanktop off of my body, and threw it down as well. I quickly reached for the towel, and wrapped it around my exposed body.

"What's with the towel?" Harry asked. "I thought you wanted to tan.."

"I did." I paused, thinking back to this morning. "Until Paeton walked in a handed me a bikini."

I hadn't gotten a swimsuit for this summer yet, just because I hadn't gotten around to it. Paeton and Rose decided to make a quick trip to the mall, to grab all three of us swimsuits, despite the fact that I hadn't brought one when I left dad's house. Paeton and Rose didn't know they were going to be staying with us this long, so they didn't bring theirs, and didn't feel like driving all the way home to get them. So they just bought another one.

Paeton had bought herself a gorgeous sky blue bikini, with a really pretty flower design on the top, and black bikini bottoms with a blue flower design. Rose had choosen a simple purple and white striped bikini with a flower in the middle of her top, and purple and white bikini bottoms. Meanwhile, they thought it'd be a good idea to get me a bright yellow bikini, with black sequins outlining the top, with plain bright yellow bottoms.

"Lacey Mae." Harry groaned.

I just simply smiled, as I slowly sat down on the blanket.

"Go have fun." I persisted.

"No, not until you take that dumb towel off, and come in the water with me." He replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I can't get my cast wet." I replied, making up any excuse not to take my towel off.

He pulled out a garbage bag out of his pocket. "I got that under control."

He bent down, and stuck my casted leg into the bag. I noticed him glance at my wrist. "Lemme see that." He demanded. I took the hair tie that was placed on my wrist, and handed it to him. He tied the bag up, so no water could leak into my cast.

"There, now lets go." He insisted.

"That's okay, just go have some Larry time." I joked.

We both looked to Louis. He was off on the shore, making sandcastles with Niall.

"No, it's fine. I want some time with you." He bascially pleaded.

"Gooooo withoutttttt meeeeee." I whined.

Before he responded, he ran off towards Paeton and Liam who were splashing each other. I didn't really want him to leave, even though I told him to. I saw him talking about something, then they all looked at me. Then, before any more thoughts entered my mind, Liam, Paeton, and Harry ran towards me.

"I'm sorry Lace." Liam replied, as he held my arms above my head.

"But it's gotta happen." Paeton added, as she unwrapped the towel from my body.

"And it won't be as fun without you." Harry concluded, as he picked me up bridal style.

Before I could have time to protest, Harry was running towards the water, Paeton and Liam not far behind. I placed my hands on my exposed stomach, and fixated my eyes on Harry's. I gave him puppy dog eyes, and jutted my bottom lip out. "I hate you. I feel so exposed. I don't want you to see this." I pouted.

He stopped dead in his tracks. "I don't know what you're so concerned about, Lacey." he said, while he still held me in his arms. "You're perfect to me, no matter what." He leaned down, and pecked my forehead.

"I don't know how you find these perfect." I whined, pointing my extremely curvy hips.

"I don't know how you don't." He replied, starting to walk towards the water again.

I embraced the fact that I was this close to Harry, so I just leaned my head against his chest and listened to his slow, but steady heartbeat.

Instead of throwing me in the water, like at the time when it was just him and I, he slowly set me down, right where the water hit the shore. I stood on my right foot, as I used Harry to balance with.

"Now, lets have some fun." He smiled down at me, as he wrapped his arm under my arm to help me balance.

Harry's hot breath brushed against neck as he whispered in my ear. "By the way, that swimsuit makes your boobs look fantastic."

I had to keep myself from bursting out laughing. "Ha, ha. Very funny. But thanks, you flirt."

Paeton walked up from behind Harry, and playfully punched his arm. "Don't you be talking about her boobs. Those are mine."

That earned a laugh from all of us.


Harry's arms were wrapped securely around my chest from behind. We were standing out in the ocean, in water about to Harry's waist, so practically up to my chest. We were watching a 3-way chicken fight. Paeton was on Liam's shoulders, Rose was on Zayn's, and Niall was on Louis'.

"So, when do you get that cast off?" Harry asked, out of the blue.

"Hmm. Well, the nurse said I'd be able to get it off in about 4 1/2 weeks. But that was a couple days ago." I concluded. "So 4 weeks."

"That's good." He stated, as I felt his soft lips land among my hair.

I leaned my head back, so I could see his beautiful face. He tilted his head so he was looking down into my eyes.

"I love you." He smiled, that gorgeous smile of his, as the mint from his gum wafted from his breath.

"I love you too." I replied, adding a small smile.

I really loved Harry; so much.

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