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Welcome to my girl x girl literate roleplay!

☆ I am not a minor I am 20+ and I would prefer to not roleplay with anyone too young. There will be no smut but still. I don't wanna rp with kids it's not enjoyable. At least 16 over maybe?

☆Absolutely no smut! I am an ace and that won't change. Most of my characters sexuality anyway will be _-romantic instead of _-sexual. Don't make a character please with an agressive sex drive that will be disappointed when my character only wants gentle things.

☆As an ace I really only like to go to 2nd base it's where I draw the line.

☆ Cussing is fine, just star it out. But don't say the f bomb if you can help it, and all the slangs words for a lady's part make me so uncomfortable don't you dare.

☆ This is the second most important thing after smut rules. Please, I'm begging you, make your responses detailed and literate. This is a literate book. I will now Break it into parts.

a.) Four good sentences or more. Long run on sentences don't count. That's still one sentence.

b.) Use proper grammar convention such as spelling properly, punctuation, proper capitalization. Do not capitalize every single word, that is annoying!

c.) Third person is acceptable only.

d.) Parentheses are for talking outside of a roleplay only.

e.) Do not use this:* for actions or talking. Write like in a book.
I need you to know this so the password is your pet's name and tag two or one people who'd be interested.

☆ Don't have a super perfect OC, that's called a Mary Sue or Gary Stu.

☆ Romance shouldn't come immediately, be realistic. AT LEAST 100 comments before they kiss at least. Unless they are already romantically involved in the scenario.

☆ I'd really like you to add to the plot and keep the story going. Don't abandon it if you are bored, twist it up and make it interesting.

☆ I also think it's fun to have love triangles or minor characters, tell me your ideas I'd love to!

☆ Tag me after 24 hours. Yes, that might seem long but I have my reasons.

☆I don't care what kind of faceclaim you have, just not poorly drawn/recolored anime and please no gacha ocs. I will probably use manhwa or semi realistic anime art. If you have no faceclaim please be descriptive in describing your character.

☆Don't roleplay on a character if I am not interested. Ask don't just jump in.

☆Also, I feel like I should put this out there now! Disclaimer! Unlike when I started this book, I am no longer a minor! I am not against roleplaying with people under 18 (as long as you stay appropriate for your legal age) but I'd prefer not to roleplay with people like 12-14. That's my baby brother's age so that'd just be weird to me.

(Reopen) Girl x Girl/Lesbian Individual Roleplay (Literate)Where stories live. Discover now