Chapter le 8

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I'm listening to the undertale soundtrack. And I just thought. I'm gonna write another chapter.

You woke up to see the alerts going off.


You turned over to see Sombra toying with Lena's watch. Her eyes widened when she heard the alert and pulled out her pistol.

You also grabbed your gun and aimed it at her. Lena jolted up.

"What the fuck!?"

"Stay down Amiga."

You kept your gun up.

"What do you want?"

"I just want a lil bit of information, preferably on the agents."

"Nope. Deals off."

She smirked.

"I'll help you save your friends."

You sure as hell weren't giving her the data, but you wanted to save your friends. A thought crossed your mind. Backstabbing. It was the only way you could save your friends without giving away valuable information.


"Good. Now, get ready and let's go."


"To the place your friends are being held prisoner."

"Right now?"

"Yes, now, including Lena and Amelie."

You nodded and complied, Lena got dressed into combat gear and you walked into the lounge to wake up Amelie.

"Amelie, we have to go."

"Okay. Is this a friend?" She asked, pointing to Sombra.

"For now. Yes."

She smiled and got up. She got dressed into casual clothes since she wasn't going to be fighting.

Sombra ushered you into a little jet and turned on autopilot. She handed you all handcuffs.

"Put them on."


"Because, we're gonna get in by pretending I caught you."

You nodded and put on the cuffs, everyone did the same. It sounded sketchy, but hey, Sombra is always sketchy.

She also handed you a little box the size of a beer cap and you put it in your pocket.

"You press the button there and it transforms your hand into a frickin machine gun. Don't waste it, it can only be used once."

You nodded and waited for the jet to arrive.

2 hours later

The jet landed and you all walked out. A soldier ran over to you.

"Are these prisoners?"


They nodded and turned to you.

"Follow me shitheads."

You all followed him to a bunch of cells. He turned to one big one and pushed you in. When your eyes adjusted you couldn't believe what you saw.

Who sat there in cuffs?
Zarya, Reinhardt, Lucio, Hana, Mercy, Soldier 76, Torbjörn, McCree, Genji, and Ana

"Y/N?" Genji asked. You smiled at the group. They were weak and had their weapons stripped from them. Your smile faded. They were battered. Genjis arm had been ripped open and the shurikens taken out, Lucio's chestplate was dented and ripped.

They were in shit shape.

"Jesus Christ! What happened!?"

"Well. Talon attacked Nepal with a small group of forces, which distracted us, then talon captured the base. When we returned, Talon immediately captured us."

"We need to get out of here." Ana said.

"We can't." Zarya said looking at the wall glumly.

"Yes, we can." You say, showing them the box.

"What does it do?"

"Turn your hand into a fucking machine gun."

You smiled at your friends and they gave hopeful smiles back.

"We..are getting out of here."

"We will either live with honour getting out of here, or we'll die with glory." Reinhardt announced, not too loud as the guards might hear.

You smiled at the team. You noticed one thing. Winston was missing.

"Where's Winston?"

"We..don't know. We think he escaped somehow, he tried saving us, but there were too many."

You nodded. Lena quickly greeted the captured strike team happily.

"Also, this girl right here, is Amelie Lacroix."

They all stared in disbelief.

"She somehow escaped that Widowmaker personality, Hell, she doesn't even remember how."

Everyone got reunited with Amelie happily after so many years. Tommorow, was the day Overwatch rose back to power.

Time Is On Our Side (Tracer X Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now