Chapter 3

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You woke up to Lena sitting next to you watching tv, being careful to not disturb you. "Oh, Morning Lena." You said to her as you rubbed your eyes. "Good morning, (Y/N)." She chirped with a grin. You smiled back at her. "After I get dressed into my normal clothes, wanna go to the cafeteria and have breakfast?" She nodded, "Okay, sounds good." She replied. Lena turned her attention back to the screen. You stood up but you turned your attention to the screen also. The TV was playing on the news channel. "Today, we are here in London, interviewing a witness of Mondatta's assasination, who was a Mondatta supporter. We are here today because your making a petition to make a memorial garden for him, am I correct?" The girl wearing a black beanie looked at the camera. "Yes, you are correct, I believe Mondatta deserves more of a remembrance, a memorial." It was interrupted by Lena turning off the TV and looking towards the window. "Lena are you okay?" You asked her, "Yeah...I'm all good." You raised your eyebrow at her and jumped back onto the couch next to her. "Your lying. Still, whatever it is you can talk to me about it." You told her. She turned to you with tears in her eyes. "I-I uuh, I.." She trailed off and tears began to roll down her cheeks. "It's okay Lena, just tell me." You said to her. "I let Mondatta DIE!" She half yelled and half whispered to you. She began bawling her eyes out. "IT was all my fault! He wouldn't be dead if I hadn't moved out of the way of that bullet!" She covered her face. "No you didn't Lena, it wasn't you. It was that asshole Widowmaker." You told her sternly. She kept on crying. The last resort to stop her crying crossed your mind. You wrapped your arms around her and gave her a deep hug. She quickly melted into it, crying over your shoulder. She stopped crying slightly and just sat there hugging you. You speedily backed away from her and you both blushed. "Sorry," You told her quickly. She smiled at you through her tears, "It's a-alright." She said with the smile still stuck to her face. You got up and went to the bathroom, getting dressed into your casual clothes. As you walked out of the bathroom, Lena was happy. It seems as she has recovered from what happened moments ago. "You okay?" You asked her quietly, as the awkwardness of what happened floated through the air. "Yeah, I'm fine." She told you with a smile. "Anyway, lets go get breakfast." You smiled and followed her out the door, heading towards the cafeteria.

As you entered you saw only a couple members since half of the agents cooked their own breakfasts at their dorms. Only Winston and Lucio sat in the corner chatting away. You and Lena got food (eggs, bacon, toast,) and sat down with the duo. "Hello hello!" Lucio told you happily. Winston grinned, "Hello (Y/N)!" He told you. You and Lucio talked about his concert coming up while Lena talked to Winston about her chronal accelerator, seeing if he has found a way to cure her Chronal Disassociation. Sadly, Winston didn't have any break throughs. It was 10AM so you and Lena decided to go back to her dorm. When she opened the door, you walked in and sat on the couch. Lena did too. You turned on the TV and it was still on the channel talking about the Mondatta Memorial Garden, so in less than a second you switched it to the next channel trying to avoid Lena crying again. Back to the future was playing. You put the remote down on the coffee table and began watching. "Oh yeah! I like this movie love!" She said gleefully as you started watching. Before you know it, the movie is over and the second one is starting. After the movie marathon, it is about 4PM and you are sitting on the couch with Lena. "So, what did you think of that?" You asked Lena turning towards her. You hear a slight snore and realise she is asleep. You stretched and was about to stand up until Lena stirs and moves around, eventuality resting her head on your shoulder. You didn't want to wake her up from her cute sleep so you sat there with her until you fell asleep aswell.

Lena POV

I woke up to my head on (Y/N)'s shoulder. He was still asleep. I slowly got up and checked the time. 5:30 PM. It was 30 minutes until dinner but I wasn't hungry. I paced around the room, eventually I just got out my phone, and started playing mobile games while sitting next to (Y/N). After a while he woke up. "Hi Lena." He said to me. "Hey (Y/N)." I responded, looking away from my phone. "I've wanted to tell you something for the last 7days." I said to him.

Your POV

You yawned. "What is it Lena?" You asked her. She stopped for a second. "Umm, (Y/N)....I uh..I uh like you." She said blushing. "Yeah, we are friends, I know we like each other." She stared at you. "(Y/N)...I mean like like you. Ugh how do I put this.." She said. Lena started thinking and obviously had an idea. "I mean, I don't have to use words." She told you. Lena suddenly wrapped her arms around your neck and kissed you. You were taken aback by this and you eyes widened. She instantly pulled away from you. "I'm so sorry (Y/N) I—." You cut her off. "I love you too Lena." You hugged her and held there for a minute and then let go. "I love you and all, but, why would you love someone like me? There's so many other guys that are better and you chose me." She smiled at you. "As soon as I saw you, i knew I liked you. Your (Your Hair Colour) hair, your (eye colour) eyes, your face. You looked stunning." You smiled back at her. She pulled you in for a kiss and you accepted this time. After a while you pulled away. You both smiled and sat back down on the couch. The intercoms suddenly turned on. "Can (Y/N) (L/N) and Lena Oxton please report to Winston's lab? I repeat, can (Y/N) (L/N) and Lena Oxton please report to Winston's lab. Over." You looked over to Lena. "Well then, let's go." You told her. She nodded, a smile still painted across her face.

You opened the door to the lab and Winston turned around with a jar of peanut butter in hand. He placed it on the desk. "Hello Lena and (Y/N)!" He said. Lena waved to him, "Hey Winston love," She replied to him. "Sup Winston." You told him. Winston adjusted his glasses and stood up. "Alright, the reason I called you here is because I want you to do a mission with just the two of you, in Mexico, Dorado. Los Muertos is selling weapons to someone, possibly Talon." You nodded at him. "What type of weapons?" You asked Winston, who was going through his second jar of peanut butter already. "Well, weapons like, machine guns, rocket launchers and even grenades." You nodded once more. "You two are going to Dorado in 24 hours, so get some rest." He informed you and Lena. "Okay cool!" You said to Winston. You and Lena began walking towards the exit and you waved goodbye. "Bye Winston." You and Lena said simultaneously. Winston waved back and you exited the lab into the hall. As you walked down the hall Lena pulled you into her and kissed you. She moved away from you slightly and smiled and yawned. "Carry me back to the dorm, I'm tired." She asked sleepily. You looked at her in confusion. "Nah." She groaned at you. "Pleeaasseeee?" She continued. You rolled your eyes. "Fine." Her eyes sparkled. "Yay!" She said with a smile. You swooped her up into your arms bridal style and carried her back to the dorm.

When you entered the dorm again you took her to her bedroom and threw her on the bed. "Hey!" She said with a giggle. When you were about to go out she tackled you and threw you back on the bed. "Payback! Lena Oxton is victorious! HA-HA!" She announced in a Reinhardt voice. You laughed and she jumped onto the bed with you. "Love, can you sleep with me tonight?" She asked in a small voice. You looked at her and smiled. "Sure." She smiled back and hugged you. It was 7:30pm so you decided to get some rest since you needed to get up early tommorow to fly to Dorado and deal with the Los Muertos. Lena snuggled up to you, putting her head in your chest. You fell drowsy once more and drifted off to sleep.

That's it!
A Whopping 1523 words! (A lot for me) it's the biggest page I've ever written! Thanks for reading guys, and also, a couple days and we're past 15+ reads! Holy shet! Anyways, have a great day guys. And don't worry (not like you are anyway) I'm okay, and my friend who went to hospital is okay. So yeah. That lifted my spirits. Anyway, the friend who was diagnosed with diabetes is doing well. He still looks depressed at times though. But we will all get through it eventually.
Adaptive Out

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