Chapter 1

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Its just normal routine. Going to work, coming home, going to the shopping center, coming home again, and eating dinner. Basic really. Not until that one day in your entire week is the most insane day of your mundane life. That would soon be tomorrow. You yawned as you stretched up getting ready for bed. As you opened your bedroom door, you saw the Overwatch posters plastered on the wall. Glancing at them a final time, you slowly dozed off to sleep.

Morning was normal as usual. Again. You ate breakfast went to work. Came home. Except you realised you were running out of clothes your size. You huffed as you got ready to go to your local mall. You swiped your keys off of the counter and brang them outside. The car grumbled as it turned on and you backed out of the drive-way. Beginning your trip to the shops once more.

The shopping centres in London were always packed full of people, bustling through the crowds and concentrating on browsing items. You walked towards the clothes store across from you. Before you could make it to the clothing store, something punched through the roof and a lifeless body of an ape fell through. It was...wait...Winston? That guy isn't even supposed to be here! Overwatch was disbanded! Seconds after Winston fell, a feminine voice cried from above. "WINSTONNN!" It was...LENA OXTON? This can't be happening, Overwatch members are, falling from the fuckin sky! A spray of bullets was shot out from an aircraft hovering over the giant gap in the roof. Citizens cried and screamed, running away from the mall. You hesitated. Ropes rappelled down from the ship above the hole. You instantly recognised two of the most notorious terrorists. Widowmaker and Reaper. They climbed down from the ropes and walked over to the weakened Tracer that was laying over Winston, almost if she was trying to protect him. "Stay b-back!" She yelled at the enemies, trying to sound intimidating. Widowmaker stopped but Reaper kept walking. "I'll leave you with this one ami." She told Reaper. Widow grappled onto the ship and hoisted herself up. Reaper cracked his knuckles and kept walking. He kicked Tracer in the face before she could blink away, causing her pulse pistols to slide toward where you were hiding. She needed a distraction, you thought as you looked at Reaper trying to punch the innocent girl.

"HEY ASSWIPE!" You screamed at Reaper. You began shooting him with the pulse pistols. He instantly went wraith form and pursued you. You ran into a dead end. Reaper formed infront of you. "What were you trying to achieve out of that?" Reaper asked with a cackle. "THIS!" Yelled Tracer as she hit him in the back of the head with a chair, knocking Reaper out. Tracer snarled at reaper and spat on his robe. "Fuck you too," She told Reaper silently. You held out her pulse pistols for her to grab. She took them gratefully and smiled. "Thanks luv, great performance there!" She laughed. You heard the helix craft outside circle the mall. "They know something's up, we need to move, Now!" You both hoisted the gorilla up and walked out the back of the center and rested Winston in your car. "Come on let's go!" Tracer yelled impaitiently.The car finally worked and you sped off into the distance, losing the mysterious team of people that were attacking you. Tracer began instructing you on where to go, "Alright love turn left then left again and keep going straight for 200 metres." She was guiding you to a place you hoped was safe. Winston sat in the car slowly breathing the entire time.

As you gathered near the destination something didn't feel exactly right as it was just an old apartment building. "Are you sure this is it?" You asked Tracer doubtfully. She smiled. "It might not look like much but follow me," You looked at Tracer. "Wait, I'm coming inside?" She raised her eyebrow. "Well it depends, do you want to get blasted by a machine gun mounted on an enemy cruiser? Or do you want to go inside the safe house? Exactly, now let's go." You hoisted the monkey up with Tracers help and you walked to the door of the apartment. Tracer walked over to a voice module looking thing and said a couple of words. Then the door opened and a man dressed as a pilot cane into view. "The ships in the back- who are you?" Tracer looked at you. "He saved my life," She told him. She then whispered so you couldn't hear. "I'm going to ask Winston if he can join us, he looks like a fighter and he certainly did act like one." You smiled at the guy dressed as a pilot. "Okay, you two follow me to the hangar." He then removed a rock from the ground at pressed a button. The old apartment retracted and a small hangar raised up. "How the hell did you do that?!," The pilot looked at you and smirked. "When your apart of Overwatch, you'll find ways to sneak things past the government. Like this hangar for example, we built it by using a hologram that projects a picture of an old apartment, then we started construction. It took about 3 weeks." You looked at him then the hangar. "What the hell does that mean?" The pilot sighed. "I knew you wouldn't understand, anyway I'm Jay." You were still confused out of your bloody mind about what he just said, but shrugged it off. "(Y/N)." You informed Jay. Tracer looked at you. "Oh I'm a fool, forgot to introduce myself, Lena..Lena Oxton. She held out her hand and you gladly shook it. "Awesome to meet an Overwatch member, (Y/N)." She gave a small smile and began waking towards a huge hovercraft with the Overwatch symbol pasted onto the side. "I'm still confused, I thought Overwatch was disbanded." Tracer looked at you once more. "Well love, after the Petras Act.... we kind of recalled....illegally." She said slowly. A look disbelief briefly appeared on your face for a moment and then disappeared. You understood since a bloody Overwatch hangar stood infront of your eyes. "Oh...ok" You told her. Jay hopped into the cockpit and you and Lena sat down next to each other while Winston rested on the seat infront of you. Now that you were close to Lena you saw her features, her cute face, her small nose, even her little eyes were perfect for her face.
"This ride is gonna be a long one, your gonna have to wait there for a couple hours." Jay said from the cockpit.

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