Chapter 6

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Thanks so much to SaintDoomsday for the idea, I wouldn't have written this story if it weren't for you bro. Follow him. And I deleted the help meh chapter. Enjoy.

You and Lena awoke to your devices going of and holographing the words. EMERGENCY : OVERWATCH : WATCHPOINT GIBRALTAR HAD BEEN BREACHED. You and Lena looked at each other. You knew exactly what this meant. Talon.

You and Lena ran faster than the wind towards the ship. "ATHENA GET READY FOR TAKE OFF!" You screamed into the intercom. "LENA GRAB MY HAND AND BLINK TO THE SHIP!" She nodded and held your hand. You suddenly jumped forward with Lena to the ship by blinking. Before the ramp closed you and Lena blinked inside just in time. "Athena! Go to Gibraltar!" Athena made a beep of understanding and the arrival destination switched to Watchpoint : Gibraltar. You and Lena locked and loaded your weapons. This was war.

A couple of Le hours later or something

"Waypoint reached. Enjoy your stay." Said Athena, even though this was NOT a nice day. You ran out into the hangar. Fire. Blood. Bodies. It was all you could see. Total carnage. Everyone was gone. Lena raised a hand to her mouth and widened her eyes. "Oh my god..." She whispered inspecting the damage. "Lena we need to find Winston...Now!" She nodded and you ran towards the lab, Lena following closely behind. You nearly kicked down the door when you entered. "WINSTON!?!" You yelled looking for the big ape. Lena did the same. "WINSTONNN?!" You looked everywhere. Under desks, in the pod stuck to the roof. Until you came across the workshop table. You looked around to see the table crushed. As if someone was thrown into it. You inspected the ground and found something no one would want to find. Winston's cracked glasses covered in blood.

"LENA GET OVER HERE NOW!!" You yelled. Lena bounded in faster than light. "Look..." She inspected the ground and found what you were talking about. Tears flooded into her eyes. She grabbed the glasses and hugged them to her chest. "" She said quietly as she began crying. She wiped her eyes and put the glasses in her pocket. "Wait, if he's dead. Where's the body? That means he's still alive!" Lena cried. She grabbed your hand. "We need to find the others!" You nodded as you blinked around the base. No one. No one was there. "Shit... I think Talon got to them first." You said covering your face with your hands. "But where are the corpses? They might be dead, but they might be still alive." Lena nodded. Then the clacking sound of something falling filled your ears. You and Lena spun around to see a shadow trying to sneak past. You and her loaded your guns and pointed them at the figure. "YOU! HANDS UP! AND COME HERE! SLOWLY!" The shadow freezed and slowly did what you said. They came out of the shadows. Your eyes widened and you and Lena said simultaneously, "Amelie?"

Sorry for the short chapter, but I'm just writing really slowly rn. Maybe I'll start making them longer slowly in the mean time. Adaptive Out. And remember, follow SaintDoomsday for saving my ass XD!

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