6. Relentless and Unforgiving (EDITED)

Start from the beginning

"Go. Reunite with your... entourage" Snape told her in a voice that allowed no argument. He was now standing beside her, his face bathed in moonlight the profile of his face in sharp relief against the surrounding darkness. His aquiline nose and strong jaw were set in a stern expression, and as Aurora cast a furtive glance at the Potions Master she found him looking back at her, one eyebrow slightly raised as if asking why she was gaping at him.

"They're not my entourage" Aurora replied, turning away as to avoid his piercing stare and watching the people mulling about the clearing, uncertain as to how to proceed without someone there to take charge. She about to turn around to face him, but as she looked back over her shoulder, all she saw was darkness. Swiftly turning on her feet she caught a last glimpse of black robes disappearing in the shadows without the barest of noise.

Shaking her head at the man's strange behaviour Aurora stepped onto the clearing and walked over to the Weasleys.

After Arthur came to retrieve them they returned to the tents and all tried to catch some sleep. It wasn't a particularly successful endeavour, but it gave their frayed nerves a little time to settle before they headed back to the Weasley home.

Molly had been beside herself with worry, and as they arrived home all of them could do to keep their haywire emotions in check was remain silent. Some words were spoken, and everyone tried to remain calm and pretend everything had gone back to normal.... but something had changed. There seemed to be this heaviness to the air, this sensation of oppression that hadn't been there before.

Aurora excused herself and went to the mattress placed in Fred and Georges room. Trying to get some sleep she spent a restless few hours tossing and turning, in which her body tried to regain some much-needed energy and her mind tired itself with a hundred different questions about what had happened.

The next few days seemed to go by in a blur,  and Aurora felt as if she was in the middle of a whirlwind, and nothing seemed in her control. The preparations for the Weasley children who were to attend Hogwarts were in full swing, and all she could really do was getting swept up in them. She had bought her utilities and school books already so when the time came to pack all the trunks and suitcases, the owls and cats and all the Weasleys into different cabs to head to King's Cross Station and catch the Hogwarts express, she finally felt something akin to excitement coursing through her veins. No matter her initial unwillingness to head back to school, at least it would be a change of scenery. And with the Triwizard Tournament that would take place there, at least there would be some excitement in her life. Once they made their way through the stone archway that proved safe passage for all of them to Station 9  and 3/4. The smell of steam in the air, hundreds of voices calling their goodbyes, and the bustling crowds of young witches and wizards all ready to start another year at Hogwarts while their parents waved them off... it all called to a part of her that Aurora had thought long gone. It was a reminder, a call out to a youthful version of her, younger, more vibrant. It all resurfaced as she got on board the train and joined Fred and George as they searched for an empty wagon.

Lee Jordan was among the first to introduce themselves to her. He was a nice guy with a quick wit and charming smile. He seemed just as mischievous as the twins, and as they started talking rapidly about their plans for the business of theWeasleys' Wizard Wheezes Aurora couldn't help but smile. It seemed that she might be getting into a lot more trouble her father would have cared for if she were to continue the association with the twins, who sounded like a pair of trouble makers. But she right out refused to hide away entirely, not wishing to spend her time cowering and worrying about her safety. She was at Hogwarts, after all. And with Albus looking after her, what could possibly go wrong?

"So, Aurora, any idea as to what house you want to be sorted in?" Leo asked as he observed her from the other side of the train coupe.

"Gryffindor,  obviously" said Fred with a knowing smile.

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