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-It was almost dark, luckily Aerrigan didn't reach nighttime, she unlock the gate and headed straight to the door, she placed Tom down in front of the door and got her keys and unlocking it. Aerrigan came in first followed by Tom and she closed the door. The cat started to investigate this new place and sniffed the area.

"Dont worry Tom, I'm sure a cat like you would get used to this place quickly, this is your new home now" Aerrigan said in soothing voice as she started stroking Tom's back to his chin, making him purr in delight, "I'll go get change first while you can look around the house first" she said as she went take a shower before preparing dinner.

30 min. later Aerrigan went back, bringing spaghetti and some fried chicken for Tom. "Here you go Tom, there still more from where that came from if you still want more" she said as gave Tom food, she got her spaghetti and sat in front of her computer desk and opened her desktop to video call her friend Halley.

 "Here you go Tom, there still more from where that came from if you still want more" she said as gave Tom food, she got her spaghetti and sat in front of her computer desk and opened her desktop to video call her friend Halley

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"Goodevening Halley!" "Aerrigan! Im so glad to see your okay" a pretty and cheerful girl with blonde hair said in relief, "Of course, It'll take a lot of effort to take me down"I said boasted, making Halley giggle

"Aerri we have good news for you" Halley cheerfully stated, "Yeah? What is it Lily?" "The team, made you new devices for our mission, great for infiltration, improved gun fires and radars for tracking down suspects" Halley informed,
"Wow! thats great, I can't wait to try them out"

I said excitedly, I love new gadgets,but then Halley's face turned from happy to sad and I started to worry about her

"Halley what's wrong?"
"Well....its the bad news"
"What's the bad news then?"
I asked, getting more worried
"Well the bad news is, 4 guys were brutally murdered,just 1 hr. ago, their bodies were all cut off" she said in a sad tone

'WHAT!? 1 HOUR AGO!? Those sadists are killing innocent people in the day now, without me knowing?! ugghh, wont these guys ever stop killing? I mean what's so fun taking other people's lives? I mentally said

"What!? 1 hour ago? But I was still outside, any evidence on who the culprit is?"

I asked hoping they already found something

"Im so sorry Aerri, but we've been trying so hard to find who's responsible for the mass murders, but we couldn't still find them"

"*Sign* we've been over this for 4 days now, I can't believe we haven't found a single evidence on who the murderers are!" I exclaimed, getting frustrated as leaned my head on the desk

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