Baise Moi

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Sorry, didn't proof read.

Hair gripping, ass smacking, choking, hickies, etc. that's what my books tell me sex is really but I can't confirm that for sure.

Through my 18 years of living, I've never even been close to that. Sometimes, I admit that I think about how it would feel like.

You know, having someone between my legs and breathing heavy on my neck and chills covering my entire body.

Their tongue on my neck, their hands rubbing on my folds. My heart hammering out of my chest, unable to control my moans

Their hand on caressing my breast while the other enters my tight hole. Their tongue on my nipple, driving me insane.

Me unable to breathe because of the way their finger feels inside of my. Our sweat being one, our breath being one too.

Me crying out in complete bliss as they whisper sweet nothings to me. Me holding on for dear life to them when I feel a wave of something blissful hit me for the first time.

Me grinding my lower waist to ride out my orgasm while they hold a mischievous smirk on their face because they know this is only the beginning.

Them then grabbing my waist firmly as they plant kisses from my neck down to my stomach. Them tracing their kisses to between my perky breasts while my breath hitches.

Them capturing my hard nipple in their mouth causing me to squeal out in complete pleasure.

I feel their hands making their way to my hot sleekly core, they capture my wetness with their index finger before removing their lips from my nipple and drinking my juices.

Their green forest eyes on mine while they lick their finger clean. I gulp down hard cause the act has made me even more wet.

Their hands squeeze my little boobs and rub on the nipple while their trail down my stomach again.

My nerves picking up as she approached my core, "I've never done this before", I tell her. She smiles warmly and says, "I know"

She spreads my legs further as she faces my needy core, me feeling myself dripping on the bed.

I hear her murmur "beautiful" as I nervously wait for her to do something.

Her first lick feels strange and tingly, my mind loses focus for just a second. She moans out loud saying how delicious I taste

The second and third licks disorients my entire being, this time she doesn't wait for me to catch my breath before she dives in.

She grips my thighs tightly while her tongue dances on my sensitive and aroused clit. I hear her gulping down my taste

I feel her tongue in my tight entrance, just sliding in and out. I squirm in pleasure.

Something forms in the pit of my stomach, it feels like a hot ball but it's also ticklish. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy and her kisses down low make me feel a nice kind of frustration.

"Oh my... I can't.. I—" Me not able to construct a proper sentence because of how overwhelming it feels.

My body chokes up and my muscles tense, I wonder if this is the orgasming people often talk about.

She looks at me while she captures my juices with her thick tongue. Somehow that manages to arouse me again.

She trails her kisses up. I can taste myself on her lips.

She then proceeds to take off her clothes, piece by piece as if she's teasing me. Making me wait.

My breath shakes when my eyes land on her toned stomach. She smirks when she notices that.

"I spend 6 days at the gym" she answers my unasked question.

My fears start to creep back when I notice how huge her bulge it. My virgin walls quiver

"I won't be too rough okay? Not this time anyway" I nod gulping down a huge ball of air.

Her underwear off and that monstrous thing hanging between her thighs, she makes her way towards me slowly.

She calms me down a bit with her sweet kisses, my hands slide up and down she tone stomach. I'm obsessed, I think to myself.

We spend a while engaged in a very slow and passionate kiss, my first kiss was shit compared.

When she pulls back gently and asks me if I'm ready, I take a deep breath and nod my head. She lands a soft kiss on my forehead

The feeling of her entering me is so painful but she kisses and assures me that I will get used to it.

She spends a few moments allowing me to adjust to her big size inside of me. Her kisses being an appreciated distraction.

She moves her waist slowly, my legs are numb to the pain. Her kisses on my neck are the only thing I'm focusing on.

The pain subsides after a while, I start to feel the pleasure of her size inside of me.

She stands on her knees and grips my waist tenderly enough while motion inside of me.

She motions a bit harder than before at seeing that I'm now comfortable with her size.

I can't control the moan that escape me and she can't seem to control her groans and loud grunts. My hands find their way up her boobs and I squeeze them, she moans out.

The look on her face tell me she's travelled to another place, the pleasure on it is satisfying.

"Fuck.. you're so tight" she grunts in my ear after she falls on top of me, never forgetting her motion.

Suddenly she flips me to the side and she's behind me, motioning in the same steady place. I can tell it's hard to control herself because sometimes she goes too hard and my pleads bring her back to reality.

The same tingly sensation fills up my body again, I'm transformed again to a different high than before.

I feel my nails dig into her skin. She cried out in pain.

"Beyoncé! I've been waking your ass up for school for the past hour!" My mother's voice wakes me up.

The sensation between my legs makes me shut that tightly. Oh my goodness, I can't believe I had a wet dream about my stepmom.

A door opens seconds later and the angel— i mean devil herself is standing there smiling.

"Morning baby girl, you better wake up before your mom comes in here herself.

My mind fails to register what she's saying. My heart is beating out of my chest. Gosh, I have a crush on her? Kill me now

"Bey, are you okay?" She moves to sit next to me on the bed.

"I—" fuck me

"I'll tell your mom you're not feeling well, ok? Just rest sweetheart. If you need anything, I'll be downstairs." She said sounding concerned. The look on her face does things inside me. I'm so screwed

I nod. She kisses my forehead and then leaves my room.

I'm so dead.

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