Nirvana- Part 1

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"Hey freak, didn't you read the sign?"

"No freaks allowed!" They hailed insults at her as she passed through the hallway to her next class. She was used to the treatment by now being that she's been studying at this school for 2 years.

Yet the pain they caused when they cut through, she could never manage to numb down.

She entered Mr Elmond's class and made her way to her usual seat, right at the back.

A few minutes later, the jocks and cheerleaders entered the class room making noise, like they wanted to announce their arrival.

Mr Elmond returned to his classroom a few moments before the bell rung.

"Good afternoon class, take out your textbooks. We're starting the French Revolution today." She took out her textbook at the teacher's command.

She gazed up, she found a girl with thick glasses and thick eyebrows look at her. She had small white teeth and a vibrant deep voice. Robyn thought that she perhaps had permanent rose pink cheeks, that's the only color she has ever saw on them.

She quickly averted her eyes back to the teacher and attempted to focus back to the teacher. She could feel the brown eyes hidden behind those lenses staring at her. She felt herself blush

"Okay, so I'll assign you in groups of 2 for an assignment. You better do this assignment because there will be a test based on it" the teacher announced.

The entire class groaned in frustration, he ignored it and grouped the class

"Beyoncé Knowles with Annie Frank" Robyn immediately looked up to the girl from earlier.

"Robyn Fenty with Stephen Tyler" oh no, anyone but him! She thought terrified

"Well well well, if it isn't the school's freak" she looked at the smirking guy in front of her, terrified.

"Hey baby" I smiled at my mother's greeting as I entered the house. She was feeding my niece Lira.

"Hey mommy" I hugged her shoulder from behind then kissed the little rascal on the head before putting my backpack on the floor and throwing myself on the couch tiredly.

"Nuh Uh, I told you a million times about that backpack on the floor" I groaned a little before getting up to pick up the bag.

My mom liked acting tough with me but she's a big softy. She's always protecting and shielding me from the big bad world because I was born... different. But unfortunately, she can't protect me from high school

I went into my room and changed into more comfortable clothing, sweatpants and a top. I live with mom and lira. My sister left 2 years ago, leaving her 3 month old baby to follow some dumbass she called a boyfriend.

My father bailed when he found out his son wasn't actually a son. But he still sends his checks every month.

I made my way downstairs to help cook dinner. Lira was sleeping on the couch, which she usually does after being fed. What a lazy ass

"So, what are we making tonight?" I asked mom as I entered the kitchen.

"Oh just spaghetti and mince. How was school?" She asked, per usual

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