Love and Light

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"Okay I've made sure that everything is fine here, call me on my 7 if you need me. I gotta go, you know Bey hates waiting" I watched the smirk forming on Sam's lips, I rolled my eyes before taking my keys to leave. I knew it was only a matter of time before he teased me

"Go on with your whipped ass and say hi to that fine ass ex wife of yours for me" I left the house without responding to the idiot I called my best friend.

I opened the door and got inside my mustang, I turned it to life before driving off to her house.

My ex and I met at a young age, everything moved fast after that. She loved me and my dark side and although I tried my hardest to change for her, the dark side caught up with me. So I did what I did best, I screwed us over trying to save her. But I broke her heart in the process

I was lucky though, I managed to create something permanent and so beautiful with her. Something I would always cherish even after I took my last breath. Our lovely Scarlet

I pulled up in front of the two story house that used to be my home. I switched off the engine and took a couple of seconds to breathe before I made my way to the door step. I felt ridiculous ringing the bell but I tried my best not to annoy Bey, I learned that it's best that way.

After a few seconds standing outside, I was pulled out of my thoughts by the door being opened. A wide smile stretched across the small oval face and a pair of hazel eyes that were similar to mine looked up to me. I lowered my body to come face to face with the small person in front of me

"Mommy!" A comforting warmth filled my entire body as my baby girl wrapped her small arms around me and squeezed very hard. I let out a small happy chuckle and hugged just as tightly too.

It's only been a week since we last saw each other but she missed me almost as much as I missed her.

"Scar! I missed you so much baby girl" I admitted happily

When we calmed down, I only then noticed that my now ex wife was watching us the entire time with a sad smile on her face. I found myself staring at her, my heart hammering inside my chest. Her beauty seemed to never get old, she was still so enchanting

My daughter and I finally let go of each other, I cleared my throat as she ran upstairs to take her bag I assume. Now her mother and I were just standing in an awkward silence after I closed the door behind me.

I could tell she was nervous because her nails were absent-mindedly tapping on the cup of tea she had in her hands and she was biting her bottom lip while staring into space.

"Um... so, how are you?" I decided to break the awkward silence between us. Her brown eyes found my hazel ones when she heard my voice. She let out a soft sigh and sat on the couch before looking expectedly at me. I went to sit next to her

"Um... remember Carter? The neurosurgeon who works at the hospital?" I flexed my jaw before nodding for her to continue. I had nothing against him, except for the fact that he's fucking the love of my life. It's natural for me to feel a way about him but he's a nice guy according to Scar.

"Well as you know, we've been dating for a while now and last night was our 1 year anniversary. He asked me to marry him" whatever else she might have said after that fell on deaf ears, my ears literally went deaf and the only I could hear was the sound of my heart breaking.

Words choked in my throat, ridiculing my attempt to act nonchalant to the news. I felt a lump forming and my chest feeling as if someone opened it and took out my heart.

"W-what you say?" I asked meekly, sounding pathetically weak. I hated it. She's the only person that has ever seen me weak. She's the only person I've ever allowed to see that side of me.

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