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I wish I would say I regretted saying that, but didn't. It was the truth and it took me a while to finally have the courage to say it, or(in this case) blurt it.

To my surprise, when she lifted her head, I saw a smile. A genuinely happy smile. Then I smiled.

"A-Are you sure?" She stuttered out, looking like an adorable puppy at that moment.

She seemed nervous.

Nervous about meeting my dad.

Which means it means something big and important to her, right?

"Of course." I nodded. "I'm sure he'll want to meet the girl I rant on about." She blushed at my words, looking down and snuggling back into me.

"Okay." It came out as a whisper. "I'd love to."

Moments like these, I want to tell her I love her. That I'm in love with her. That's she's my everything, my world. The Flash wouldn't be the Flash if he didn't have Flashette by his side. Not only that, but she is one of the few reasons I get home everynight with a smile on my face because I know she's mine and she's alive. Usually I'd get home from the station everynight and I'd smile because of my dad, Joe, and Iris. But now I have a couple names added to that list. Destiny being very high on that list.

I wanted to kiss her cheek at that moment, but instead I kissed her hair. Nuzzling my face into her now brown waves. Sometimes I wish she could just read my mind and I wouldn't know so she could know how I feel about her and there would be no holding back.

"I'm sorry." She suddenly said, taking me by surprise.

"Sorry for what?" I ask.

Her reply came out as a whisper, "Sorry for being the girlfriend you got stuck with."

"What?" I ask, my voice sounding louder than usual, but unintentional. I sat up, causing her to sit up too, "W-Why would you say that?" We sat criss cross in front of each other. She looked down, her cheeks red, but is wasn't from blushing.

"I know you said it like a million times you want me and not Iris but no matter what--I keep thinking about it." Her hands messed with the rug, picking at it as she spoke, "I was thinking about things you don't deserve. Like a crappy girlfriend like me. But the person who doesn't deserve something is me. I don't deserve you," She shook her head, suddenly crying now. Then I realized it.

"Destiny, you're drunk," My eyes flickered over to the half empty bourbon bottle across the room. I think I was a little drunk myself, I did have four glasses of wine. I was a lightweight before being a speedster, so yeah, I'm tipsy myself.

"No I'm not." She growled, looking up at me now. Her eyes were red, showing tiredness. Suddenly she broke out into a sob, her hands covering her face. "I killed her."

My heart dropped at her words.

"W-What?" I asked. "You k-killed?" I wasn't believing what I had just heard. I either heard wrong or she's too drunk to be up right now.

"I killed her." Her body jumped up and down as she cried hysterically. "I killed my sister. Ellie, I miss you. I'm sorry!"

Ellie? She has a sister named Ellie? The only sister I've heard of is Morelia.

"Woah woah woah, Destiny slow down." My breathing quickened in fear. Why was I doubting her? There's no way Destiny would ever kill someone. I know her, she doesn't have the heart to. If I'm so sure, then why am I doubting?

"A fire, a stupid fire cause by a stupid me!" She cursed at herself. Sitting on her knees as she pulled away from me at my every attempt of removing her hands from her face. "Stupid!"

Struck Twice ♡ Barry Allen/The FlashWhere stories live. Discover now