Being Drunk Also Means Later Being Hungover

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Barry Allen over voice:

"This is the part where I'm supposed to do the whole intro thingy. Barry Allen, fastest man alive, blah, blah, blah. But you know that already."

Destiny Parker over voice:

"Don't forget the fastest woman alive!"


"Right, sorry. Alright, let's get to the good stuff. You see that smoke right there?

*shows building on fire*


"I can't believe I let you drag me into this mess." *sighs*


"That's a fire on Western and Third in downtown Central City."


"You see those blurs?"

*blurs of them two running to save people in fire*

"That's us two on our way to it. Were going 352 miles per hour! And it's a slow day."

Seconds later

"Barry! Destiny!" Cisco shouted through the ear piece. He repeated to shout our names.

"What?!" I asked impatiently.

"What? Did we miss it?" Barry asks, stopping right next to me.

"You both over shot by six blocks."

"Oops, sorry." I say before taking off.

As we arrive, a lady starts screaming.

"Paige! My daughter! Has anyone seen my daughter?!" She looks around shouting frantically.

"Barry, you get the left side of the building! I'll get right!" I demand, and he does as told. I search the building quickly to find nothing and I begin to panic. "Barry! You got anything!"

"Found her! Meet me outside around the corner." Barry says. I sigh in relief and find Barry.

He took off his mask and asks Cisco "Everybody's out. Got anything else for us?"

I smirk while Barry has a smug look. Instead of hearing Cisco's voice, we hear, "Barry, Destiny, it's Caitlin."

"Shit." I curse under my breath. I take off my ear pice, throw it to the ground, and crush it. The evidence was destroyed. Barry was watching me with shocked eyes. I got ready to take off, but Barry snatched my arm before I could get a chance to.

"Hey Caitlin!" Barry says with a fake cheery voice. "How's your day?"

"Get back to S.T.A.R Labs. Now." She demanded. She was so loud and clear, I could hear her from Barry's ear piece.

"On our way." He said in defeat. As we both took a step forward, I groaned in pain. Barry did the same. The both of us nearly stumbled from dizziness.

We looked at each other, scared for a second. But I ignored it and got to S.T.A.R Labs.

"Have you all lost your minds?! Who do you think you are?!" Caitlin shouts.

"Well, I'm the eyes and ears. There the feet!" Cisco explains. Barry and I slide off our masks.

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