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—cheer; shout for joy or in praise or encouragement

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cheer; shout for joy or in praise or encouragement.

|i just want to warn you, when yoongi talks in english and there are grammatical errors, it's on purpose because his english isn't very good.|


yoongi hated attention.

he was the type to silently go along with the ideas of his friends, to never raise his hand in class, and to make limited eye-contact with people. so when walking through the halls of a new school with everyone staring at him like he's a piece of art work, it made him feel small and anxiety-filled.

maybe it wasn't such a good idea to dress in a short black skirt and a pink with white strips crop top, but fuck whatever anyone was going to say about his outfits.

with his head held high and a natural sway in his hips, yoongi struts to the main office looking fabulous. some boys and even girls were eyeing him, but yoongi tries his best to ignore them.

he walks into the main office and greets the lady at the front desk with a smile. the old lady looked worn out and tired, probably just as exhausted and dreading being at school as much as the students were.

his gummy smile almost always seems to make others happy, so when the lady smiled back, not looking so exhausted anymore, yoongi felt accomplished.

"what can i help you with, honey?" the women seemed to have a southern-like accent, showing she wasn't born and raised in the town they resided in. yoongi felt a better connection to her already. being someone who moved all the way from daegu, south korea to charlestown, pennsylvania it was hard to adjust to the culture, language, etc. to add to his dilemma, yoongi's english skills were pretty awful.

"ah, hello. my name yoongi min." she laughs slightly for whatever reason but nods nonetheless.

"here's your schedule, dearie. If you have any questions please ask any teacher or myself." yoongi can barely understand a word she's saying but nods anyway. he takes the single piece of paper out of the ladies hand and thanks her.

yoongi walks out of the main office feeling less nervous than before. his black backpack weighs him down, so after checking his schedule and finding out what his morning classes were, he goes to his locker and puts his evening class binder in the metal casing and closes it.

the bell rings and yoongi quickly scampers off to his homeroom class, room number 24.

his short legs run fast to the class, which seems to be all the way across the school. yoongi makes it just in time before the late bell rings.

the whole class seems to be seated already, making yoongi stand out like a soar-thumb. his unusual baby pink hair doesn't help either.

the teacher stops talking mid-sentence, saying something about "familiar faces". the woman smiles at him and beckons him with her manicured nails.

yoongi hesitatingly walks forward, standing right in-front of the class with a light blush on his face. although he hated being the center of attention, it was almost inevitable as a new student.

"please introduce yourself." yoongi registers the word 'introduce' and smiles faintly. he memorized an english phrase at home for this moment.

"hello. my name yoongi. from south korea." his mouth felt uncomfortable with the new words being spoken, and his english was very choppy but at least it was understandable.

"welcome, yoongi. if you need any help please come to me. now to find you a seat," she scans the room quickly before finding the only empty seat. "you can sit next to namjoon." the lady points to a black haired asian boy. yoongi follows her hand and looks at the boy she's pointing to. he's tall, with a sort of superior aura around him. namjoon is very attractive.

he timidly walks to the boy, his seat all the way in the back. once he's next to his desk, he plops his heavy backpack down on the floor and moves it right under the desk. yoongi holds his schedule with a shaking hand, the anxiety from being in front of the class with so many eyes watching him still not wearing off. after scanning the paper, yoongi is able to find out his first period class is pre-calculus.

suddenly out of the corner of his eye he sees a figure moving, looking straight at him. yoongi moves his head to look at the figure, realizing it's namjoon.

"korean?" namjoon simply asks in english. "yes." yoongi curtly replies in english.

"ahh! another korean, finally. too many white people are in this school, i swear!" namjoon suddenly says in korean. he must have been too loud because the lady-teacher shushes him. yoongi is ecstatic knowing someone else in this school can speak his native language, it's so hard not being able to understand anyone.

they talk for the rest of homeroom, which was only fifteen minutes but yoongi already felt very comfortable around namjoon. The other talked about his five other korean friends, and how since they all share the same lunch period he'll introduce them to yoongi. he also complimented yoongi on his outfit, which was surprising because usually korean people didn't accept his style.

in turn, yoongi told him about his favorite hobbies, and how he actually loves american rapping. namjoon agreed and told yoongi he loves writing lyrics. throughout the whole experience, yoongi was happy to finally meet someone he bonded so well with.

namjoon brought up how he plays american football and although yoongi has heard of it before, he's definitely not an expert on the subject.

"you should try out for cheerleading! the try-outs are tomorrow." namjoon suddenly says, just after finishing explaining the game of football to the other.


okay hiiii

new story :,)

it was boring but the story will get better i swear!.!.!

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