。 Chapter 3 ~ My boys?? 。

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After he said that Mom and Dad both went quiet while I was crying a bit but I hugged Lucas for him to calm down. See I told you he stands up for me when no one has. Then I was looking at Lucas and I saw him turn is head to me and said...

Lucas: "Sunshine I'm gonna stay in your room, while I stay here."

I nodded and I brought him to see the whole house. Then we went to my room last and when we arrived at my room I saw his face frowned even more when he saw how small my room compared to all the other room. He didn't like it. But he just sighed. I heard him and I said...

Me: "It's okay Oppa calm down."

Lucas: "I am calm but the one thing I don't like is that all the house in the room yours is the smallest."

Me: "Yeah I know Oppa. Come on Oppa, let's go to bed and tomorrow we can go for the village."

Lucas: "Okay."

Me: "Oppa, I'm gonna go change to the bathroom an change and you can change in here. And you can do your night routine when I'm done in the bathroom."

He nodded and I got my pjs out of the closet and went to the bathroom. After a few minutes later I was done. And I went to my room and knocked on my door and said...

Me: "Oppa? Are you done?"

Lucas: "Yes Sunshine."

I opened the door and saw Lucas sitting on the bed. Look at his phone. Then he looked up and I said...

Me: "Oppa you can sleep on the same bed as me...what I usually do when you when we were little."

Lucas: "I missed those days..."

Me: "Same Oppa."

We both laid on the bed and Lucas kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around my waist and said...

Lucas: "I love you so much Sunshine/ My little sis."

Me: "I love you too Oppa."

After we said that to each other. We both feel asleep.

{ Next Morning }

I woke up seeing Oppa next to me. I smiled and I chose my outfit and went to the bathroom and did my morning routine. When I was done...

{ My outfit }

{ My outfit }

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